
2007-06-29 6:33 am
1 Trinity Guildhall diploma examinations 中的Recital,Performance,Instrumental/Vocal Teaching這三個專案的各個級別如ATCL,LTCL 需要哪些prerequisites?
2 ABRSM中的DipABRSM, LRSM需要哪些prerequisites?Instrumental/Vocal Teaching 的DipABRSM, LRSM需要哪些prerequisites?
3 ABRSM中的Instrumental/Vocal Teaching有Grade 8 Practical in the instrument taught這個級別嗎?

回答 (2)

2007-06-29 7:47 am
✔ 最佳答案

There's no prerequisites for Trinity Guildhall diploma examinations 中的Recital,Performance,Instrume ntal/Vocal Teaching ATCL,
AMusTCL. But the LMusTCL need to pass the ABRSM Grade 8 theory or AMusTCL theory exam. For the LTCL performance exam, it is advised that your have passed ATCL or DipABRSM performance exam.
ABRSM中的DipABRSM performance diploma need to pass the ABRSM Grade 8 in performance in any instrument. For the teaching DipABRSM, you should have reached the age of 18 and have passed grade 8 in the instrument in the instrument taught.If you want to enter for the LRSM, you have to pass the dipABRSM first.
As I said above, grade 8 Practical in the instrument taught is the prerequisites for the DipABRSM instrumental teaching diploma.

2007-07-04 12:17:31 補充:
回應music witch:1)我不是男兒,請不要用「人兄」這些字眼來稱呼我!可用Miss Amy老師來稱呼我。2)LTCL是沒有prerequisites的,希望你明白it is advised 不等於compulsory.
參考: ABRSM and Trinity College of London Diploma Syllabus
2007-07-01 9:42 am

For the LTCL performance exam, it is advised that your have passed ATCL or DipABRSM performance exam.
LTCLperformance已改名叫LTCL RECITAL.... 同埋已經無prerequisites

2007-07-02 23:01:57 補充:
如果你有睇update既Trinity Diploma Syllabus
LTCLperformance已改名叫LTCL RECITAL.... 同埋已經無prerequisites

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