護照: 自理
機票: 自理
簽證: 自理
桃園國際機場往返台北Bus: 最多NT$135x2
台北Bus和MRT(地鐵): 每日最多NT$250
住宿: PROF. LEE'S HOSPITALITY APARTMENT SUITE - 全新附衛浴套房1間每晚單人NT$400, 雙人NT$600,
飲食: 三餐含水果飲料共約NT$450
門票購物美食: 自理
*1 Hong Kong Dollar = 4.20 Taiwan Dollar
http://hk.geocities.com/cnlyhhp/sansia.htm (with links to useful tourist information about Taiwan)
1. ALL PEACEFUL AND NON-SMOKING INTERNATIONAL TOURISTS are welcome to stay at my safe, clean, and cozy holiday apartment suites in Sansia, Taipei County. The place is only 15 minutes away from the Taipei MRT Yongning Station and 41 minutes away from the Taipei Main/Railway Station by public transportation. Sansia has good mountains, air and water as well as friendly people.
2. The two apartment suites (each around 30 square meters: double bed/twin beds, quilt and blanket, ensuite bathroom, wardrobe, refrigerator, split air conditioner, 24 hour access to the Internet, etc.) are on the 6th floor of a 2006 modern, pretty 15-story apartment complex building within 4 minutes' walk to the main gate of the National Taipei University Sansia Campus.
3. I did postgraduate studies in Texas, California, New York, and Scotland before. I speak Chinese and also English as a second language.
4. I will meet you, and see you off, at the MRT Yongning Station or the Taipei Main Station. I CAN GIVE YOU A LOT OF VALUABLE TOURIST INFORMATION AND TIPS. I will show you around Taipei if you do not know Chinese.