Blaze Away

2007-06-29 2:11 am
我想問Blaze Away點樣解
TVB ge 衝鋒21 響ed2字幕到寫 [加把勁]
但係我查字典解 [連續發射,大聲叫嚷,慷慨激昂地說]

回答 (2)

2007-06-29 5:46 am
✔ 最佳答案
You cannot exactly say TVB is wrong, it is just not a common way to say 加把勁. Honestly it is the first time i heard it too. But definitely not wrong... really a matter of interpretation...

Here is an example... " Break a leg "

Direct Translation = break a leg... actually damage leg , leg injury
Actual Meaning = keep up the good work! as Chinese say.... " add oil "

Hope you understand what i mean.

Good Luck!!
參考: HK TV english.... lol ... can get frustrating at times.. eh?
2007-07-02 6:21 am

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