NOKIA 7390 點解冇光碟 ?

2007-06-29 12:40 am
本人將原有嘅 NOKIA 3230 換了一部 7390, 原來此型號是沒有光碟的, 我知是可以在網上下載, 但我想問是否安裝了3230 的光碟就不需再下載呢 ?

回答 (1)

2007-06-29 3:28 am
✔ 最佳答案
in fact it's possible gei.....
since the pc suite can support all nokia items gei...

if u really cannot use it, then u can download from internet also...

for the problem of the moblie,
in fact nokia provide some n-user trainning for use ga...`
hope can help u~
參考: my experience

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