去成田機場乘Narita Express or limousine bus ?

2007-06-28 11:49 pm
Narita Express and limousine bus which one is better for girl with a lot luggages?
Where is the bus stop close to Shinjuku Price Hotel?

回答 (2)

2007-06-29 12:59 am
✔ 最佳答案
搭Narita Express 啦... 好方便架咋...
我都係剛去完日本返來, 而且旅客買Narita Express + Suica 咭仲有special price (total 3500) included 2,000 suica 儲值, that means the ticket only $1,500 ja.... (Suica 咭可用於指定 JR / Metro )

你只要留意時間, 準時係月台上車就ok, 又set 好坐位, 對女仔來講好方便。
2007-06-29 12:11 am
Genrally, Limousie Bus will direct take your to the Shinjuku Bus Station, it charges 3000 yen only and takes approximate 85 minutes.


(Shinjuku Prince on the top right hand corner of the second map)


However, Narita Express offer a cheapest package including 1 ticket to Shinjuku JR Station. Whole package cost 3500 yen including

1 ticket to Shinjuku Station (cost 1500 yen)
rest 200o yen bound for JR Tokyo City.


My recommendattion is: purchase the Narita Express package and take the Narita Express from Airport to Shinjuku. for the return trip, you can decide to take limousine Bus or Narita Express to the Airport

2007-06-28 16:12:47 補充:
Recommended Nartia Express because there was no limousine bus take your directly to the Shinjuku Prince Hotel. You know that Shinjuku Prince was nearest JR Station, i takes approximate 5 minutes walks.

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