
2007-06-28 11:32 pm


回答 (6)

2007-06-28 11:59 pm
✔ 最佳答案
我覺得自娛都可以認真學~ 你應該去琴行彈下兩者有咩唔同~ 除左價錢, 最唔同就係手感~ 雖然數瑪琴係電子琴o既改良版...又可以做到其他樂器o既效果...但真正咁彈好d, 直身琴先做到~

直身琴典型牌子有Yamaha, Kawai~
數碼琴-Yamaha Clavinova
2007-06-30 12:48 pm
如果只是自娛就應選擇數碼鋼琴,因為價錢平宜,size亦細d,唔使揀d咩牌子,因為多funtion係用唔o西的,數碼鋼琴最有用ga funtion就係靜音,練琴時唔會嘈住人,揀個平就得,4-5千左右巳ok,因為到你有心去考試時,你一定會嫌棄數碼鋼琴,因為琴鍵太輕,tounching同鋼琴無得比,除非你買木琴鍵ga數碼鋼琴,但價錢就要數萬以上....
初學者買ga直身鋼琴,多數都係雜牌,千幾至幾千,當然唔可以長用la,好ga牌子yamaha,kawai,二手萬多至兩萬,亦都要考慮高身定矮身,型號,所以你要買之前諗清楚自己ga 需要...
我自己用ga係yamaha digital grand, 但聲就鍾意kawai,所以好睇自己....
我有個學生放一部矮身,hero鋼琴,開價$2000,但你可以同佢還價,$1500都應該ok,如有需要mail俾我:[email protected] 我可以留佢電話俾你直接聯絡.
參考: 全職鋼琴教師
2007-06-30 4:27 am
直立式鋼琴yamaha,&kawai 較好,
咁就起碼$10,000 lu~
若你想音shape D選擇yamaha,
音柔和Dkawai la~

e-mail 比我[email protected]
2007-06-29 7:42 am
i think數碼鋼琴好d
2007-06-29 4:19 am
數碼鋼琴is not coz more function you dont need to tune your piano for so many years, also the sound is very close to real piano, if you buy really expensive 數碼鋼琴, the sound can be very rich & so many function u can use for jam song compose song but for my own self , i would perfer acoustic piano coz from my experience acoustic piano the sound is still much more better for a student my ex piano teacher use u3 for piano studio teaching the sound is excellent until i use for 5 yrs, that coz of her piano is for professional teaching the piano get very worst at 7 yrs later, but one day if i can afford i will buy a 55 inch u3 piano too, it's very very good, even now myself is not learning from her anymore , my piano at home is outside the piano what we call u1 for kawai it's call k1 compare with her u3 piano, so i usually go to piano store to resreve for the u3 piano to practice, but its so expensive so i finally end up just pracatice at home i give up to rent the u3 piano for 30 hk bucks per hr, now my new piano teacher is using a petrof grand piano, when the more better i know piano, i know if i can afford a u3 is must once u get use to u3 piano you will just love it. most p90% professional say digtal piano is good for buy as a toy to practice & compose song , but the real value is not that good, even how good digtal piano is the acoustic piano still is always the best.
yamaha u1
kawai k1
petrof 48 inch
samick 48 inch

2007-06-30 01:49:31 補充:
personal not recommand yamaha that much, special the old piano for as kawai is the best, try look for kawai k3 older model or xus1 the new model of yamaha 60 inch piano of yamaha that is really expensive but good otherwise from warehouse the case is not good but the string is good much more cheaper
2007-06-28 11:47 pm
I think 數碼鋼琴 will be better than 直立式鋼琴 if you don't take seriously.
直立式鋼琴 funtion is less than 數碼鋼琴 as 數碼鋼琴 can play other pieces of music and change the sound...

Yamaha will be a better choice for both 直立式鋼琴 and數碼鋼琴.
參考: From my experience...

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