
2007-06-28 11:14 pm
想問rune的各種weapon和body,leg and kite的價錢?

回答 (4)

2007-06-30 12:21 am
✔ 最佳答案
rune helm:25k
rune legs:40k-45k
rune kite:40k-45k
rune pl8:50k-60k
rune scim:25k
rune longsword:13k-20k
rune b axe:35k-45k
rune 2h:45k-50k

參考: me
2007-07-06 7:54 am
Rune helm:25K (25000) T(trimmed):200K (200000) G(Gold trim): 200K(200000)
Rune platebody: 50K(street) (50000) T(trimmed):300K (300000) G(Gold trim): 300K(300000)
Rune platelegs: 30K (30000) T :200k (200000) G(Gold trim):200K (200000)
Rune kiteshield: 30K T:200K G:200K
Rune scimitar: 30K No T or G
Rune warhammer: 40K No T or G
Rune battle-axe: 40K No T or G
Rune 2H: 55K No T or G
Rune axe: 20K No T or G
Rune pickaxe: 50K No T or G
Phil~ noname00001
2007-07-03 6:56 pm
You can buy it from many player in world 1 varrok west bank or all the member world.

Cost of rune melee:(M=Member only)

rune platebody(60k-80k)(you should finish the dragon slayer to wear it)
rune chainbody(45k-50k)
rune plateleg(50k-60k)
rune full helm(25k-35k)
rune med helm(10k-15k)
rune shoes(M)(18.5k-20k)
rune set(180k-200k)
rune sq shield(25k-30k)
rune kite shield(45k-50k)

Cost of rune weapon:

rune 2h sword(50-60k)
rune axe(15k-20k)
rune battle axe(35k-40k)
rune claw(M)(50k-60k)
rune dagger(6k-10k)
rune halberd(M)(85k-90k)
rune longsword(20k-30k)
rune mace(10k-18k)
rune pickaxe(20k-25k)
rune scimitar(22k-27k)
rune spear(M)(16k-21k)
rune sword(7.5k-10k)
rune warhammer(50k-65k)

Cost of rune shooting things:

rune arrowtip(M)(270gp-350gp)
rune brutal(M)(400gp-450gp)
rune dart(M)(400gp-450gp)
rune dartip(M)(120gp-200gp)
rune javelin(M)(450gp-520gp)
rune knife(M)(3k)
rune thrownaxe(M)(500gp-600gp)
runite arrow(M)(370gp-450gp)
runite bolt(M)(900gp-1.1k)
rune crossbow(M)(35k-45k)

Other rune things:
rune nails(M)(250-400gp)

Hope it can help to you,by the way,you may have this cost by using your keyboard
2007-07-01 6:38 am
rune helm: 25K 左右
body: 50-60k
chain: 30-40k
leg: 35-50k
kite: 35-50k
skimmy: 15-30k
longsword: 10-20k
warhammer: 30k
mace: 10k
sword: 7k

2007-06-30 22:39:20 補充:
b-axe: 35-45kr2h : 45-55k

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