
2007-06-28 10:04 pm


我想買電影裏面他穿的那件黃色的外套 還有深藍色的那件絲絨外套(圖片如下)



誰能幫我看看能不能在網上買得到 或者請別人代購

大家幫幫忙吧 謝謝 ^^

回答 (2)

2007-06-28 10:25 pm
✔ 最佳答案
此品牌在Joyce 發售,但時裝是潮流,電影已經咁耐,那怕已經沒有;但可去他們off-season warehoue找找;地址如下:

香港海怡工貿中心21樓 電話 : 2814 8313
2007-07-02 10:11 am
although古天樂 always wear DSQUARED in daily life.
but i can sure that 2 jackets are NOT from DSQUARED!
the clothes wear in the movie is "costume",they are all prepared by the costume and art director of the movie.costume can be bought from shops or borrow from sponsor,or even tailor made.
i am not sure which brand are that 2 jackets or are they tailor made,but i can 100% sure they are NOT Dsquared.
hope it helps.
參考: i am the DSQUARED GOD

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