✔ 最佳答案
In Toronto, licensing of chartered accountants is administered by the province’s Institute of Chartered Accountants in Ontario. If you are not taking accountancy as your major, you will have to take all prerequisites required by ICAO and get a training contact with an approved employer, before you can even register as a student of ICAO.
On the other hand, the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants licenses all auditors who wish to practice as certified public accountants (practising) in Hong Kong. To register as a student member, in your case as an overseas university degree holder, you will initially need to do an accounting conversion programme run by a local university. After registration as a student for the Qualification Programme (QP), you will need to seek an employment under the institute's lists of authorised employers (companies) or authorised supervisors (individual mentors) to get your training as a CPA.
When you finish all your examinations under the QP programme, and obtain the necessary training experience, you can qualify as a CPA in Hong Kong. After you qualify as a CPA, it is possible to convert your qualification to a Canadian chartered accountant CA qualification by writing the CICA's CA reciprocity examination for the law and practice in Canada.
2007-06-30 01:10:35 補充:
在多倫多, 特許會計師 CA 的牌照由安大略省的特許會計師栛會 ICAO 發出。 另一方面, 香港會計師公會檢定期望在香港執業的所有核數師。 你有了一個海外大學的學位, 可申請一些由本地大學辦的轉換課程 conversion programme, 然後登記為香港會計師公會的學生成員。 要取得香港會計師 CPA的資格, 你需要在認可的雇主 authorised employer (公司) 或者認可的監督人 authorised supervisor 下受訓大約三年。
2007-06-30 01:11:45 補充:
當你取得香港的 CPA 的資格後, 可以透過 CICA 和 HKICPA 互認條約, 再加一些其它加拿大的稅法, 會計等測驗和實習, 有機會可再取得一個加拿大的特許會計師牌照 。