
2007-06-28 9:51 pm
桌面d野冇晒(「開始」個排野都冇埋),得返個背景,right click都冇反應!!!!點先可以顯示返d野??

回答 (2)

2007-06-28 10:23 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Try this:

press Ctrl+Alt+Del, you should have a "Windows Task Manager" screen pop up. (If you have the Windows XX screen show up, select Task manager".)
Go to File --> New Task (Run). Type in explorer.exe then OK. You should have your desktop icons and start meun shown up.

2007-06-28 14:27:34 補充:
Windows Task Manager = 工作管理員

2007-06-28 14:29:57 補充:
Suggest to run a virus scan when icons and other are restore. Below is a free virus scan link. =)http://housecall.trendmicro.com/
2007-06-28 9:53 pm

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