Pls help

2007-06-28 7:58 pm
Please help to correct & sugguest me. Thanks

1) We will try to rush the goods ready on 11 or 12 July,07

2) Now the goods are under production. We will try to rush early delivery to you.
Once any news, will let you know. Thanks

回答 (4)

2007-06-28 8:09 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1) We will try to quicken the production to make it ready on 11 or 12 July,07.

2) Now the goods are under production. We will try to deliver it to you as soon as possible.We will let you know at once if we have any news. Thanks.
參考: me
2007-06-28 8:28 pm
1) We will try our best to achieve the best ship(delivery) date on 11th or 12th of July, 2007.

2) The goods are now in process, we will try to achieve the best delivery to you. I will inform you once the goods are ready. Thanks.

參考: me
2007-06-28 8:17 pm
If you are a mechandiser, this is good enough for everybody to understand.

If you really want to make it formal.

1) We are forcing the production to achieve the 11 or 12 july, 07 delivery date.

2) The goods are under production now. Your order is our priority, and we will ensure the goods are produced as early as possible. Also, we will keep up you updated about our production timeline.

haha.. this is too formal for a mechandiser.
2007-06-28 8:02 pm
1) We will try our best to finish the shipment and be ready on 11 or 12 July 2007

2) Now that the shipment is in production, we will try to reduce the production leadtime and get an earlier delivery date for you. Will keep you posted on any news. Thanks.

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