how can i loose weight a healthy way but i dont have time?

2007-06-27 10:38 am

回答 (12)

2007-06-27 10:44 am
✔ 最佳答案
Most you can really loose in a week is 1-2lb. If you loose any more than this its going to be water weight, or unsustainable.
You need to cut out unhealthy foods altogether - carbs, fats, sugars. Instead, eat fruit, vegetables and other low calorie foods. Try 5 smaller meals a day instead of 3 larger ones to help your metabolism speed up. Eat around 1200 calories a day - any more and you wont be loosing the weight, any less and your metabolism will slow and you'll find it harder to loose the weight.
Drinking green tea is supposed to help your metabolism speed up (no milk, no sugar), try 3 cups a day.
Exercising will also be important. Jog for 30 minutes a day. Try doing half press-ups and crunches as well.. lots of reps no weights to burn fat rather than build muscle.
Good luck!
2007-06-27 5:49 pm
The best thing to do is to drink alot of water, more than 8 glasses a day (this is the best way to loose weight). Eat all your fruits and vegies (if you eat the recomended amount you shouldnt be too hungry for junk food), and cut down your portions of meat (palm size). Switch to a low fat milk.
Execise can be hard when you are busy so try doing a few little things extra....
Park your car further away from the entrance to shops, work, etc.
Dont go to bed straight after dinner, use that time to sweep your floors (it can burn some serious calories!)
Eat dinner earliest as possible and dont be temptpted to then have dessert! Your bod can burn calories in your sleep if it thinks it is being starved (best to do this at night so u dont realise you are hungry).

2007-06-28 2:34 am
To successfully lose weight, you must carry out
a plan to balance your caloric intake with exercise.
Ideally, dieting should be done by eating a nutritionally
balanced, low-calorie diet and increasing physical activity.
I found useful informations at
2007-06-27 8:36 pm
if you really want to lose your weight don't worry.visit the below website.and try some of the guidness
2007-06-27 7:13 pm
Hi, I am from Hong Kong and I am a weight-control specialist.

please visit the following website, and you will find a lot of useful information and a lot of live examples of how we can help other people lose weight healthily. (The site is in Chinese now, but the English version will be out in a month).

(please, add shapeshake at the back of .com)

I myself lost 27 pounds in 3 months and I spent only a little money on it. I am coming over to Singapore in two weeks. If you happen to be residing in Singapore, I would like to share my experience with you. If you are not residing in Singapore, that is also fine as our products are available in all S. E. Asian countries now.

Please, do fill in the form at the website so that we can get to know more about your eating habits, your determination, etc, iin order to help you further. If you don't know Chinese, just send me your email address so that I can send you the questionnaire in English instead.

Really hope to see you soon!
2007-06-27 6:57 pm
Eat only when hungry and not more than thrice a day. Nothing other than water in between. Include plenty of uncooked vegetables and fruits in each meal, preferably 50%. Chew each morsel at least 32 times to activate ur body to generate signals of hunger/fullness. Obey these signals.

Take light exercises and brisk walks regularly preferably twice a day.

U will achieve what u have not even dreamt and that too in a reasonable time. Do not be in a hurry.
2007-06-27 5:53 pm
to be honest the best way is not to go on a diet as ive tried them all and diet pills and they dont work lol but just change your diet and go swimming 4-5 times a week for about an hour each time it tones your tummy and all your body up wonderful too ! i lost 2 1/2 stone since may its great and i eat loads too im just eating the right foods but instead of swimming try aqua arobics its great and really fun ! great question star for you and goodluck
2007-06-27 5:51 pm
just walk on your way or wherever you are as much as possible. it is the simplest exercise for those who lack time. your situation is a usual one and so always remember not to be eating foods rich in sugar. eat whole - grained foods and eat in moderation. of course, discipline is all it takes.
2007-06-27 5:45 pm
eat low-fat foods, preferrably pineapple, and a little walking to work may help lose a few
2007-06-27 5:45 pm
You can only lose 2.5lbs in a week. If you don't have time, you should start reflecting on why you were so lazy and ate so much of those junks that make you fat in the first place.

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