Does it annoy you when people change/add to their answers?

2007-06-27 9:34 am
I have found that some people give only a few word answer, then when I've gone into more detail further down, they change their answers to include the sort of stuff I have.
Why do they do this? Is it just so their answer is closer to the top and more likely to be read and voted for?
Its just so annoying! Does anybody else find it so?

It's more when the people only put down a few words, then come back with a multi-paragraph answer. Even I will amend an answer if it doesn't read well, or have a little more to add.

回答 (9)

2007-06-27 9:45 am
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I've seen it happen several times where someone puts a period very quickly just to be at the top and then edits their answer. Sometimes I quickly put in my first impression answer and then add details as they come to me.
2007-06-27 9:42 am
I add to, and edit my answers, all the time. What I write the first time doesn't usually make sense when I re-read it.
2007-06-27 4:03 pm
If you ask a question, and they answer, then you add more details to your question later on, there is no problem with them changing their opinion since you added new light on the subject.

It does not go to the top after they have edited it, it stays right where it was before.

Not annoying, I find it grateful that they actually keep up with the question and look for extra details.
2007-06-27 1:17 pm
No - I sometimes write what I think are good answers, but after I've submitted them I think of something that I should have included.
2007-06-27 10:58 am
Sorry... Sometimes when I read it on the site, I think of something else or if additional comments are made, it might make me think of the question in a different way. Not trying to be annoying...I just am!
2007-06-27 9:55 am

Not at all
2007-06-27 9:38 am
I couldn't care less. Is this some sort of competition or something?

2007-06-27 9:41 am
It doesn't annoy me that much, but that's probably because I don't pay that much attention to the question once I'm done answering it.

Just like now, I'm more than likely not going to look at what some one else answered after/before me.

I can kind of see how that would annoy you though..
參考: just me
2007-06-27 9:37 am
... like this.. lol

yes when people go to vote just to get their points most dont read the question or answer, they just pick the first one and go to the next one..

I always choose my best answer.. if I ask a question I feel it is my responsibility to choose the answer.

sometimes I am away and it goes to vote.. but I cant help that.

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