Do stretch marks go away after diet and or exercise to normal healthy weight?

2007-06-27 9:20 am

回答 (5)

2007-06-27 9:24 am
✔ 最佳答案
Unfortunately, stretch marks are permanent but you can use certain creams to lessen the appearance.
2007-06-30 1:41 pm
The appearance of stretch marks is not something you can prevent altogether. Whether you are pregnant, an athlete, or going through rapid growth spurts, you are more than likely going to spot a few stretch marks here and there. Also, if your weight tends to fluctuate a lot, you may be more susceptible to stretch marks. Stretch marks usually develop on the stomach, waist, upper thighs, chest and arms. They may be very subtle, or very visible. No matter how severe, there are many ways to reduce stretch marks.

For a start, there are many creams you can find at your local pharmacy or grocery store that will moisturize your stretch marks, and make them more flexible. Examples of these are cocoa butter and creams or oils containing vitamin E. If none of the creams or oils are effective, you can also talk to your doctor about getting a prescription cream to reduce stretch marks.

If you need more info on reducing stretch marks effectively, you can read abt them here:
2007-06-27 10:39 am
Hi, I am from Hong Kong and I am a weight-control consultant.
Surely you can have your strech mark away with the correct way of dieting.

If you can visit our site, you will find a lot of useful information and live examples of how we can help people lose weight healthily. (the site is in Chinese now, but the English version will be out in a month).

I myself lost 27 pounds in 3 months and I spent only a little money on it. My figure remains nice even though I am 45 years old now (people always say I am 35!) .

I am coming over to Singapore in two weeks and I would like to share my experience with you.

Please, do fill in the form at the website so that we can get to know more about your eating habits, and your contact phone number, etc. If you don't know Chinese, just send me your email address so that I can send you the questionnaire in English instead.

Hope to see you soon!
2007-06-27 9:24 am
Nope - get used to them. They are with you for life.
They do fade with time to a silvery white colour.
2007-06-27 9:23 am
Not really no...the skin is damaged but if you are young, then they can fade alot over time...a tan helps!

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