how about a little help here please?

2007-06-27 9:10 am
hey there i am a 17yr old who is a thick bone medium frame and weight 120 how long would it take me to get a 4pack and what are the best excercises that would help me see fast results ? help please thank u.

回答 (5)

2007-06-27 9:19 am
✔ 最佳答案
Diet is the most absolutely critical part of getting toned Abs. The amount of exercises will be useless just because the Abdominals are below a thin layer of body fat that is incredibly tough to rid yourself.

I suggest Flutter Kicks, Weighted Crunches, Sit Ups, & even those 5 dollar Ab rollers work well.
2007-06-27 10:43 am
Trust me. You can't just lose weight by doing exercies. There have been proofs on this already.

Also, one really has to look into the fat proportion in his/her body before one is said to healthy. Losing some weight doesn't mean losing some "fat".

Are you interested in a healthy weight cut and getting back to a nice fugure?

If you can visit our site, you will find a lot of useful information there. (the site is in Chinese now, but the Engish version will be out in a month).

I myself lost 27 pounds in 3 months and I spent only a little money on it. I am working as a weight-control professional now and I am coming over to Singapore in two weeks for a conference. I would like to share my experience with you.

Please, do take a look at the website. You will find a lot of live examples there. Do fill in the form at the website so that we can get to know more about your eating habits, contact phone number, etc.

If you don't know Chinese, just send me your email address so that I can send you the questionnaire in English instead.

Hope to see you soon!
2007-06-27 9:16 am
sit at the edge of your couch, bum at the end and do sit ups or crunches.
2007-06-27 9:15 am
stomach crunches would help to define your abs, i think thats the best way, also watch what you eat.
2007-06-27 9:13 am
sex girl

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