Can somebody please help me i really wanna lose weight and i would appreciate your help.?

2007-06-27 8:50 am
I am almost 15 and i want to lose weight im prolly 70-80 lbs over weight and i would really appreciate your help, im sick of living with all this extra weight i just cant deal with it anymore.

回答 (37)

2007-06-27 8:57 am
✔ 最佳答案
God can always help.. find you a book on healthy eating. there are foods that are healthy carbs that promote weight loss and give you energy.. there are also the unhealthy carbs that cause you to feel tired and lazy.. any diet MUST contain more burning of carbs than intake of carbs.. this means exercise. period. so you MUST force your self to get up and get out and exercise
2007-06-27 11:02 am
to be honest the best way is not to go on a diet as ive tried them all and diet pills and they dont work lol but just change your diet and go swimming 4-5 times a week for about an hour each time it tones your tummy and all your body up wonderful too ! i lost 2 1/2 stone since may its great and i eat loads too im just eating the right foods but instead of swimming try aqua arobics its great and really fun ! great question goodluck !
2007-06-27 10:46 am
Hi, I am from Hong Kong and I am a weight-control consultant.

If you can visit our site, you will find a lot of useful information and live examples of how we can help people lose weight healthily. (the site is in Chinese now, but the English version will be out in a month).

I myself lost 27 pounds in 3 months and I spent only a little money on it. I am coming over to Singapore in two weeks and I would like to share my experience with you.

Please, do fill in the form at the website so that we can get to know more about your eating habits, and your contact phone number, etc. Or if you don't know Chinese, just send me your email address so that I can send you the questionnaire in English instead.

See you soon!
2007-06-27 9:14 am
dont cut down on anything too fast u can try to cut down very little but thats only gonna cause u stress.

the key to losing weight is eating a good breakfast by good i mean till ur satisfied and not fast food, for lunch eat watever u always eat but add a salad. for dinner eat whatever you want and add a salad. the whole entire day drink 8 cups- 1 gallon of water. ~~~~~eat more raw fruits and vegetables or lightly steamed~~~~~~!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!~~~~~~~~~~!~~~~~

almost the same idea as the zone diet in which many celebs lose weight on celebrity fit camp. the zone diet allows cheating but want you to eat less unhealthy and more healthy.

but if you eat more raw fruits and vegetables and u will therefore be taking some of the space that u would need to fill with watever unhealthy food u want. then balance out faster than trying to force urself to not eat what u crave.

other tips: go to for the fastest way to lose weight which would be the tri decathalon cleanse.

eat more fruits and vegetables the more variety the better!
eat organic grapefruits
get a juicer Jack LaLane power juicer is nice or any juicer when u make the juice drink it right away.
walk an hour everyday.
avoid diet sodas drink the real ones google aspartame
2007-06-27 9:11 am
keep a journel, it helps me, I write down all the things i ate, when i do physical activity, calorie charts from fast food chains, seeing how much fat it contains just sickens me. read the nutrition charts on the things you eat, add it all up. then you will realize how bad it is for you. drink lots of water, no soda, or even less, that helps, dont try to start to big, start slowly, and write down in the journel how it makes you feel to be overweight and what you want to be. if you slip, just let it go and move on with your diet, 80 pounds is alot of extra weight to be carrying, alot of ppl here will try make you eat nothing but vegs, fruits and friggin nuts and run a marathon, but im thinking you are not going to accomplish that, that is unrealistic, just go on nature walks for an hr every couple days, eat a smaller portion for breakfast of what you usually eat, cut it in half. its all about moderation. start small, finish big. IF someone wanted to become a body builder, your not going to tell him to start sqautting 500 pounds to begin with. start small, and gradually pick it up, whatever you do, dont starve youself, that doesnt work, you need to be physical. at first it is discouraging, but after a week of walking you will notice a huge difference in your breathing. trust me
2007-06-27 9:02 am
Hi, i used to have the same problem!
What i did, was i cut down my portions, and didn't take seconds. (It takes 20 minutes for your stomach to tell your mind that it's full so slow down)
You should buy a workout DVD, 'Powerjam; is an excellent one because it is so much fun too!
Do crunches every night and take walks with your friends.
Join a sport as this of course, burns lots of fat.
This is the best way to lose it and you barely notice what you're doing because it becomes fun!

I hope this helps you, good luck!
參考: Experience
2007-06-27 8:58 am
You gotta do the E word! Exercise. Weight loss is really simple when you think about it. You just have to burn more calories than you eat! Junk foods equal a junk body. Healthy foods equal a healthy body! And don't forget to drink lots of refreshing water!
2007-06-27 8:58 am
eat better and go out with friends and play basketball or another intense sport instead of sitting around. You can also do situps and jumping jacks in your room and can even jog in place for a bit. find a gym, it helps. my gym has a tv in it and i usually just jog on the treadmill while watching tv. make use of your time. remember that even if it is late at night, u can still exercise. also there is a journal on yahoo on a guy who lost weight by gaming, so i would recommend the game kinetic and DDR, ddr is intense so it would help alot. hope it helps ^_^
2007-06-27 8:56 am
Just cut down on your portions. Eat half of what you would normally eat. Then walk or get some workout videos you can do at home. I wouldn't suggest a strict diet at your age. Just control what you eat and more exercise.
2007-06-27 8:55 am
Im struggling with 20 lbs and thats tough, you must realise being weight has something to do with your emotional ups and downs, please dont ask me why. The best way to lose is eating more healthy ( no icecream,chocies, mcd's etc) and atleast 3 times a week just go walking for a while and if you can gym. Its garunteed!

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