Obesity II has set in with me, what can help me besides diet and exercise?

2007-06-27 8:28 am
I am 16, almost 17. I weigh 215lbs. and i am 5'2". I was considering taking Alli, then i thought about Adipex. Then when i was looking at those 2 i thought about taking Xenical. What should i do, i have had suicidal thoughts because of my weight. i hate going to the store because i wear a size 19 in Juniors/Women's and i don't like buying me clothes because i see really skinny girls walk by me and it makes me sick to my stomach. Another thing i hate about my body besides my weight is my breast size. I wear a 36 B and the only reason (i think) that i wear a B is because i'm fat. what can i do to make myself happier. And please don't say accept myself because i have heard that phrase over and over and i'm tired of it, i've tried to ACCEPT MYSELF. And i cant'. So please help me!

me and my BF for 1 1/2 yrs recently broke up and i lost 13lbs. so now i really only weigh 202 but i just eat once a day and when i eat its a small portion (fist sized) i know thats not healthy but i can't hold nothing else because of where i shrunk my stomach.Now i can't lose no more weight and thats what i need the help with. should i take diet pills or what, i have bad knees so its harder for me to walk a long distance or to run. so please help. Oh, i also work in a nursing home so that also helps me lose some weight, i'm an STNA so im used to lifting a lot!


Third of all, just because im fat doesnt mean i did this to myself, i gained about 70lbs from taking an anti-depressant. Celexa, then my doc switched me to Cymbalta. Then i stopped taking it all because i kept gaining weight. i hate chocolate, i don't like cake or twinkies or anything like that, never have and probably never will. so don't make it sound like im a gross pig or something. this weight gain wasnt intirely my fault. i gained 70lbs in 6 months time. So don't ever take Celexa!

回答 (8)

2007-06-27 9:42 am
✔ 最佳答案
If I may, I'd like to help you have a different view of your weight situation. You feel terrible. You think you can't do any of the things "skinnier" girls can do, and are unhappy with your size. OK here's what you do to help yourself change toward the body you prefer to have, and not have to take pills to make it happen.
Do you know anyone else, a friend perhaps, that has a similar situation? Or not, just a friend that cares about themselves, and you, who might be your cheering section, who also benefits from walkin-the-walk with you...
Here's the deal...you start to think about how and what you feel when you think about how awful being overweight is, and how painful it feels to think you're not pretty.
Your feelings are valid. They are real...they are things, and they have power. They have the power to make you stay the way you ARE NOW, or they have the power to help you to blossom into the beautiful UNIQUE flower that you ARE!

An affirmation is a statement of truth that empowers and strengthens and broadens that truth to enfold one "truth" or apparent truth-or way of being...as in being 'fat'...and CHANGING that 'truth' to another preferred experience.
Go to the website called www.coping.org/growth/affirm.htm

there you will recognize that you have been perpetuating this appearance of overweight, with the self-talk you indulge in every day. " Oh, I can't get into those jeans anymore, I'm too fat..." or I can't eat that because I'm too fat and it's bad for me"...stuff like that ring a bell?
Change your self talk, and you will change your world.

Life doesn't suck, and you weren't saddled with this situation from somewhere out in the cosmos, you have created, and perpetuated this situation with the very powerful expression of your thoughts and words. And, the good news is, we CAN CHANGE OUR THOUGHTS< AND SELF-TALK, to the point that we see visible change.
First of all, you HAVE to TRUST yourself, and KNOW that you CAN DO IT> Because YOU CAN! "Inch by Inch it's a cinch" someone famous said.("By the mile it takes a while").
You MUST be G E N T L E with yourself. Rome was't built in a day, and neither was that healthy waistline! Don't be judge and executioner if you decide to have a hershey bar... just accept that when you do, you're pushing against the results you want, instead of helping them. Eat sunflower seeds, and well, granola bars, with no sugar in them. Sugar is the enemy right now. Avoid it at all cost.

OK, so you're learning about changing your thinking with affirmations. Write on your bathroom mirror, preferably in lipstick, neatly!!!-I AM A VALUABLE HUMAN BEING, and say it every time you see it in the mirror.
Now, in your BEDROOM< write on the mirror, and if you don't have a mirror in your bedroom, it's all good, write in big bold letters on a sheet of paper you habg in a very conspicuous place: I LOVE AND APPROVE OF MYSELF. Say it out loud dozens and dozens of times a day.. It might sound silly, and right now you won't believe it, but give it time girlfriend, you WILL!
Put a small slip of paper in your purse that says the same thing so you see it all the time. Everytime you see it...SAY IT OUT LOUD. Or if there are oither people around, and you see it, say it quietly to yourself, EVEN IF YOU DON"T BELIEVE IT YET> In time...YOU WILL!!! And at any time, after beginnining to feel a little better about yourself, you'll notice that your not saying as as many mean things about yourself, because you are beginning to discover that You ARE A MEANINGFUL HUMAN BEING<< and it its natural to Love and Approve of yourself, and in so doing, you begin to see things about yourself changing ever so slowly.
As a related, but slightly different type of 'affirmation' you should actually practice "SEEING Yourself', as already thinner, and progressing toward your preferred weight. This will take a lot of practice, but, it'll come natural after a little while.
You HAVE to stick with it!
Don't Quit before the Miracle Happens!
IAM [email protected]. I would love to mentor you, and do a little e-coaching, and help you out with your re-programming your own thoughts to REALIZE and become who you already are...as the perfect sized beautiful person that you ARE!
Big Kodiak Bear Hugs,
參考: My own experiences, and lots of personal learning curve expansion opportunities
2016-04-01 7:04 pm
No! There are no magical weight loss pills. All those things eventually end up on the USDA's banned substance list. What they basically do is increase your heart rate and believe me that is not a good thing. The goal is to lower your heart rate through exercise. Remember with weight loss there are no quick fixes. You didn't put it on over night and it won't come off that way. If you pick up a book or two on Nutrition, you will be empowered to live a long healthy life. And that really is the least expensive way to lose weight. If you need additional help, I suggest you join an organization like Weight Watchers. They're the best. Dave.
2007-06-27 8:43 am
Firstly, its good that you sound determined to do this.

If something's cutting down your confidence, get it fixed! How to fix it depends. Sometimes convincing yourself that you don't care IS FIXING IT. But that doesn't always work. So you can actually do something physically to change it. And there's nothing wrong with that.

1) Organise a healthy diet. Dont totally cut down chocolate and snacks. Just decrease it. Otherwise you'll get sick of the diet and will go back to your regular lifestyle. Include a lot of fruits and veggies. Not just because they're healthy, but also because they fill up your tummy and stop you feeling hungry but have VERY low calorie levels. Plus, theyre tasty!

2) Exercise. You dont have to buy a treadmill for this. Do 20 sit ups every time you feel bored. Pick up your little brother/sister from schoom every day, walk around a lot, be energetic on the house. DANCE! Cycle, pick up a new sport. Every little helps!

3) Be PATIENT!! Easy come, easy go. So take your time, there's no rush. Losing weight takes a lot of time. Probably 4 months at least. Try to reward yourself with hot new clothes every time you go down one size, to keep yourself motivated. And good luck :)
2007-06-27 8:41 am
Check out the www.theaaadiet.com You can also email me mbdd4rose at g mail dot com and I will try to help you. We can talk about diet plan excerise and what makes you eat. I was 200lbs and am 5'4" so I have were you are. Now I weigh 125lbs
2007-06-27 8:39 am
"Exercise" is a broad term that can include everyday things like taking the stairs instead of the elevator, but it can also include fun activities like swimming, riding a bike, dancing, hiking in the woods... but another thing to consider is a craft that keeps your hands busy or going into a situation among people that does not involve eating. If you are singing in a choir, for example, your mouth will be so full of music that there won´t be room for cookies...volunteer work is a good way to start to be more focussed on life instead of on your personal problems. From this point of view, the best way to get rid of your fat is to ignore it by concentrating on something else and it will go away by itself (maybe it will get lonely :-))
2007-06-27 8:37 am
your a size 36 b and weigh 215 pounds, I weigh just under 200 pounds, and i wear a size 40DD, doesnt make any sense, I was a 36C bra when i weighed 125 pounds, besides the point, start writing down all the things you eat during the day and compare it to the physical activity you do, at the end of the day, you will be sick, seeing all the things you ate during the day. Start replacing all your sugar drinks with water to begin with, have a small breakfast, no lunch, and a medium size dinner with water, start walking slowing for 30 mins a day, then in no time you will be walking faster and faster and your cardio will pick up, you will notice a huge difference in your breathing, find hills to walk up. just dont pig out and dont eat anything after dinner.........
2007-06-27 11:00 am
to be honest the best way is not to go on a diet as ive tried them all and diet pills and they dont work lol but just change your diet and go swimming 4-5 times a week for about an hour each time it tones your tummy and all your body up wonderful too ! i lost 2 1/2 stone since may its great and i eat loads too im just eating the right foods but instead of swimming try aqua arobics its great and really fun ! great question goodluck !
2007-06-27 10:56 am
Hi, I am from Hong Kong and I am a weight-control consultant.

If you can visit our site, you will find a lot of useful information and live examples of how we can help people lose weight heathlily. Trust me, there are many people like you in Hong Kong also. (the site is in Chinese now, bget back to ut the English version will be out in a month).


I myself lost 27 pounds in 3 months and I spent only a little money on it. I am coming over to Singapore in two weeks and I would like to share my experience with you.

Please, do fill in the form at the website so that we can get to know more about your eating habits, and your contact phone number, etc. If you don't know Chinese, just send me your email address so that I can send you the questionnaire in English instead.

Don't give up on yourself and give it a try!

Hope to see you soon!

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