
2007-06-28 6:28 am
而理科可以讀文科的科目,如果我中六時修phy chem bio,

回答 (2)

2007-06-28 11:52 pm
✔ 最佳答案
You must ask yourself do u have the basic knowledge of phy chem bio. If u do not have, I think u better to give up because phy chem bio are not easy in F.6 and as you do not have basic knowledge , Very differcult to catch up with the result of such 3 subjects.
Also, 醫學院's students' A-level result is so high (2 or 3 A in A level) can u? Some of them get 10 or 9As in their CE exam. do u have this study ability or have ability to study with them? 三科a-level is very difficult to 考好, not as easy as u think of .
1.If u 留級, u will waste 2 years time. will u appect this?
2.Ask yourself do u fit in study Science?
3.醫學院 is not easy to study. even u have good result, 醫學院 maybe 會唔收 because so much outstanding students want.
4.Ask yourself do u have outstanding result in your study and r u good in your study. If not, pls give up or it will waste your time and u must be fail.
5.Do u have the exteremly outstanding ability and result to study. So much difficult test and exams when study in 醫學院, no much time to play, everyday u have to work exteremly to study on exteremly difficult tast. will u appect?
6.If u fail too much in 醫學院, they will 踢 你出校, it just waste time. will u appect?
7.文科 can have gd jobs after your gud such as lawyer etc.
8.R u really interest in Chem and really can get Extremely good result in it? It is not easy.
If I were u , I will give up this idea because it is exteremly difficult (unless your study result is super good !) and u aer a real outstanding result student ( always get top 25 in the study result in your form) or just waste time because u will get every subjects fail in F.4-F.7 and in 醫學院.
But I think u better to ask your teachers because they are more clear about your result and give u the pofessional advice and suggestions to u is it work. It is important!!!

Hope I can help u
參考: me
2007-06-30 9:19 am
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