I need runescape money,at least 30m,and i need rune armor 20

2007-06-28 4:21 am
I need runescape money,at least 30m,and i need rune armor (20 points),my ac is "kai boss"

回答 (2)

2007-06-30 5:55 am
✔ 最佳答案
You can go to barbrian village. but you a noob, you need to bring many foods!!!!!
Because have many monster like goblin (Lv 16),zombie (Lv 56),ghost (Lv 89)!!!!!!
be careful the mace.you always can't go out because is mace,finish Lv 1, a tresure box can open it.have 1k!!!! Lv 2 (3k). Lv 3 (5k)!!!!! Have many Lv and most have 10 k!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I can help you that!!!!
My name is Jameslam7,add me to friend.
參考: By myself,i have play!
2007-06-29 8:06 am
may be they can help
selling rs gold
msn: [email protected]
web: www.gameworld.hk

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