急! 急!! 急!!! 美國簽証 的 公司放假信 sample

2007-06-28 1:47 am
煩請提供 for 美國簽証 的 常用 公司放假信 sample..

Thanks a lot!!

回答 (3)

2007-06-30 10:32 pm
✔ 最佳答案


公司放假信格式 - 請用公司信紙


RE: MR/MRS/MISS 申請人姓名 (Full Name)

This is to certify that MR/MRS/MISS (Full Name) 申請人姓名 is 職位 of this company since 就職日期 and his/her present salary is HK$ 薪金 per month. He/She is entitled to an annual leave from 出發日期之前 to 回程日期之後 inclusive.

We further certify that MR/MRS/MISS (Full Name) 申請人姓名 would like to take his/ her annual leave by joining a pleasure trip to 目的地國家名稱 during his/her vacation. Upon his/her return, he/she will resume his/her on 復職日期 in this company.

Your favorable consideration to his/her application will be much appreciate.

Your sincerely,

參考: 自己經驗
2007-06-28 1:25 pm
如果我係HR Manager, 我唔會簽呢封信。如果我係老細見個HR Manager 簽封咁野,即刻叫佢入黎照肺!


公司點 Guarantee 你會resume duty? 你公司係冇辦法保證(guarantee)你會放完假返工。Guarantee意思係有 Consideration 。即係,例如你 Guarantee 明天太陽從東方升起,否則你就請食飯。"請食飯"就係 Consideration. 冇 Consideration Guarantee 都冇用。你公司最多係 expect 你會返工,即係你嘅職位會係度。若果你到時真係唔返,佢都冇計。同樣你公司點Guarantee 你在外地會守法? 佢又唔係你監護人,又唔係你嘅良心。你係外面叫雞/高買/走水貨,你公司都管唔到。

2007-06-28 3:52 am
Dear Sir/Madams,

This is to certify that MR/MRS/MISS (Full Name) 申請人姓名, 職位 of this company, will be taking his/her annual leave to UK from 出發日期 to 回程日期 INCLUSIVE.
In this connection, we hereby guarantee the following:

1. That he/she will resume his/her duty in this company from 公司復職日期. 2. That he/she will abide by all laws and regulations of the Japanese Government.

Your favorable consideration to his/her application is highly appreciated.

Yours Faithfully,
XXX Co. Ltd.



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