有冇d 哄男友的英文句子ar?

2007-06-28 1:31 am

回答 (4)

2007-06-28 3:39 am
✔ 最佳答案
Wishes for you(祝福您)
Only you(只有您)
My other half(我的另一半)
Let's keep our love secret(讓我們保持愛的秘密)
I will always be there for you(我在這一直陪伴您)
I'm loving you so long(我將愛您到永遠)
Will you love me better tomorrow?(您明天會愛我多一些嗎?)
Listen to the music,listen to my heart(聆聽這音樂,聆聽我的心)
Forever with you(永遠跟隨您)
If there is anythings better thanto be loved it is loving(如有什麼事比愛更幸福,這就是愛)
I think about you day & night(我日夜想念您)
You share all my joy & sorrow(您分享我的快樂及悲傷)
Thanks of your love(謝謝您對我的愛)
Kiss you is valuable / rare(吻您是珍貴的)
My pleasure is...kiss you day & day(我的願望是...天天吻您)
Love you like the sea is deep...(愛您就像海般深...)
I'd pull one down for you shine(我會為你摘下滿天星光)
Dreaming is beautiful,likes you(夢是美的,就像您)
My life,because you(我的生命,因您而存在)
100% love you,honey(100%我愛您,親愛的)
No one can loves you like me(誰也不能愛到您像我愛您一樣)
You're mine(您是我的)
Diary is ours,just ours(日記是我倆的,只是我倆的)

2007-06-28 1:50 am
1.I will stay near you forever
2.You are black and I am white , we will seek(尋覓)the other until the last day of the world.
3.My soul together with you , the place you in is the paradise for me .
參考: me
2007-06-28 1:46 am
你想點哄先 係唔係激嬲左佢呢? =P

if yes, you can say something like...

i'm sorry for what i've done, i didnt meant it.. don't put in mind and please have faith in us, because you are the only person in my heart right at this moment.


please trust yourself even you are in bad situation.. there's always up and downs in life, i will always stay beside and support you no matter what. think of the positive way cos tomorrow is another bright sunny day

唔知幫唔幫到你啦 不過我有用過呢幾句哄過我男友架 hehe...
2007-06-28 1:37 am
e.g. Do you love me?
I don't want to lose you.
I'm so lonely!!!````~~~
Close your eye......
參考: .........................

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