匯豐控股 - 0005 是否適合用作股票每月投資計劃呢 ?

2007-06-28 12:57 am
想請問... 匯豐控股 - 0005 是否適合用作股票每月投資計劃呢 ? 這隻有沒有紅利派的 ?? 通常幾耐會派一次呢 ??

是否適合長期投資呢 ? 如果我是諗住長期投資這隻股票的話, 是否不需要每日每時每分都check住佢咁煩呢 ??

回答 (3)

2007-06-28 1:16 am
✔ 最佳答案

不過,如果你儲夠足夠既股/手數.可以SET一個心中價去放左佢. 到左目標價佢咪自己放左,又唔駛心掛掛O羅~
2007-06-28 5:20 am
Yes, you can purchase by using the monthly instalment method. The advantage of this method is you can min. the risk as it used the weighted average method for the purchasing price.

If you have BOC security account, you can adjust your contribution on monthly basis (from min HK$1000 to max HK$20000). When using the monthly instalment method, bank will charge a handling fee per each contribution. However, no bank charge on receiving the dividend (for BOC only, as I am not sure the other banks). So, this method is very suitable for those shares who distribute dividend 4 times per year.
2007-06-28 2:24 am
非常適合。月供由 1000 至 5000 元。hsbc 一年通常都係派四次息。如果想儲錢, hsbc 係一隻最好選擇o既股。諗住長期投資這隻股票的話, 是不用每日每時每分都check住, 因為通常都唔會大上大落。 要check o既可能係信箱, haha......因為成日都收到信派息..... ^^

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