
2007-06-28 12:55 am
Frank Wood's Principles of Accounts for Hong Kong Vol. 1 (6th Edition)

Frank Wood's Business Accounting 1 HK Edition (3rd Edition)

係初學者,諗住考LCCI LEVEL 1 and 2,邊本較適合?


回答 (1)

2007-06-28 1:53 am
✔ 最佳答案
Frank Wood's Principles of Accounts for Hong Kong Vol.1 係講最基本既野, 所有Level 1 既野cover 哂, D 野講得好淺白, 有D 仲有埋中文解釋

Frank Wood's Business Accounting 1 HK Edition 講D 野差唔多, 呢本書入面Level 1 & 2 都一次過cover 哂, 不過始終佢一本cover 2個Level 同埋為左接落第2 本D 野度, 講得會唔夠Principle 咁仔細, 如果理解能力唔太好既話都唔建議你買呢本..

初學者想考Level 1 建議你最好買Frank Wood's Principles of Accounts for Hong Kong Vol.1 學左D 基本野先打好底再買另外一本Frank Wood's Principles of Accounts for Hong Kong Vol.2, 循序漸進
參考: 本身用梗呢本書 & Longman 既網頁~

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