
2007-06-27 11:52 pm




回答 (2)

2007-06-28 1:29 am
✔ 最佳答案
i think overall it's a quite good tutorial centre.
however, from what i heard from my classmates,
the centre provides u with many exercises to do
with such a heavy mechanical training, no wonder the students are able to perform so well.

but i think this kind of training doesn't suit me. so u can think carefully before you join.

[I got a brochure for the courses but it doesn't have any courses regarding f4 to f5. ]
so i would suggest you to phone to the centre to ask for more details
[and i think that there are not much places left. coz when i tried to enroll in f3 to f4 courses, it's already full. ]

if u are considering to take a.maths. tutorial classes.. i would suggest you also to try 青睞. i heard it's quite a good one also.

i hope my opinion can help you with ur queries. [sorry that i typed in english coz i am too lazy to type chinese XP]
2010-07-29 1:36 am
係英皇道有間叫學研教育,個老師以前係曾氏教,依家自己開,幾好架,主張數學係要做,齋教冇用,又係要堂堂都要做哂一份卷先走得!但係唔似曾氏有成40人一班,佢個度最多8個人,冇曾氏禁hea,一路做一路教,個老師有心機好多,又有料d,好似可以試堂,你可以打去問下~Tel: 2578 7811/9830 6350

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