高考放榜問題-----好困擾--- 10分!

2007-06-27 10:28 pm
1 ) 如果成績考得不太好, 但亦足夠入一些冷門科目, 而這些冷門科目雖是自己不討厭, 但卻不是很喜歡(即例如是computer science, 我不討厭compu, 但本身最大的興趣是文科或social science) , 那我仲應該報嗎? 還是應該重讀中七?

2) 如果重讀中七, 那應該選擇哪些學校? 除了私校還有沒有其他公立學校/ 資助學校會收重讀中七的理科生? 而私校的話, 哪些質素會較好?

3) 如果成績足以入嶺南的social science, 哪我應不應該入? or repeat 中七? 本人不是看不起這間u , 本身也很喜歡它, 但不少人跟我說, 因為它不出名, 而且我又不是讀它的商科科目, 畢業出來時被聘請的機會不高, 社會上的人是不是很看重你來自哪間u才請你? or 只關心你是否一個degree holder 就算?

不好意思, 有那麼多問題問.......
thx !!!

回答 (3)

2007-06-28 8:38 am
✔ 最佳答案
1) I think it depends on whether you have the ability to study those you think "冷門科目". Say, it you are a science student, u did badly in your AL Physics, and u were alloted with a Engineering degree, u better decline the offer. Since u may not have that ability to work hard for your GPA and try internal or faculty transfer.
On the other hand, if you dont really like but not yet hate that subject and u believe that u can work very hard for one year of time. Well, u better to accept the offer. Since this will be the only offer that u get through Jupas. And to achieve a good GPA in that year, then to apply internal transfer to the degree that u like. (They are many uni students apply for transfer each year. My friend last year transfer from engineering(he hated it so much) to social science).
In these few year, there are decresing trend for students to choose to repeat f.7. Since they need to take AL again, some uni will not accept combine cert(eg cu) and they may still have no offer if they did AL badly again. They would rather choose Associate degree or Higher Diploma. Whether or not repeating is your own choice, depends on whether u will keen on study the same material again for one year or you want to try something new or sth u like.
2) There are some private and direct subsidized schools offer places for you to repeated F.7. Their quality varies, what I want to say is those schools with good reputation seldom accept students to repeat F.7(unless you have some relation with someone who is working in that school). How to choose a school for repeating, depends on where do you live and whether u are willing to travel. Also, if you are keen on repeating, u should better consult your family first. To see whether they could support your tuition fee(for private school). At this moment. If you really want to repeat F.7, you may try to research the schools that u want to enter,call and ask them whether they intake f.7 repeater or not. That's what I have done when I was a F.7 student. I was just like you that not willing to study associate degree or HD. So, I just try to find any school nearby my home would intake repeater.
3) I think u would better research LU's social science degree structure or course syl first, to see whether the school offer u the social science subject that u want like psy, soci etc. And ask yourself whether u like it or, and it u retake AL, whether u could attain the grade that is enough for u to enter a social science degree. Most uni's social science degree need a high grades than other subjects.
Honestly, if you cannot achieve a higher grades to enter other uni's social science, u better take that offer. If not u re justing wasting your time for repeating one year.
"因為它不出名, 而且我又不是讀它的商科科目, 畢業出來時被聘請的機會不高," --> of course not la! If LU greduate did not have chance t be hire, no one would would choose LU! The chance of being hire depends on your language skills, computer skills, communication skills etccccccccc. Well, there must be some companies in Hong Kong look down to LU graduates, but they also got hired because they work hard to improve themselves in the 3 year uni life! My friend was graduated from LU social science, and now she is working in the Governement.

Good Luck and God Bless to you!
參考: my own experience!
2007-06-28 6:45 am
你都選左social science呀~
[email protected]
2007-06-28 1:48 am

1)如果能夠入到冷門而自己又不喜歡的話,我建議你就不要讀了。因為要對著自己不喜歡的東西三年是很痛苦的事,而且Computer Science方面的人才在現今的香港十分飽和,所以出路也不是太好。若然你成績不是太差的話,可以考慮Poly HD,因為讀Poly HD升Degree的機會都很大的,—定比重讀和IVE高!!!



2007-06-27 17:49:40 補充:
最後衷心祝褔你在星期五收到一張滿意的成績單!God Bless You!

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