
2007-06-27 10:04 pm
我的媽媽在兩星期前意外骨折, 當日已經立即打了石膏 (大約6星期後今天石膏). 但她一早已經訂了機票酒店去日本旅行(自由行, 唔會浸溫泉或玩機動遊戲).

可是今日去醫院覆診時, 醫生說她不可以上飛機!! 但係我之前見過唔少人打石膏都照上飛機, 究竟可唔可以呢?

忘記說她只是最普通的骨折, 不用上鏍絲也不用加其他輔助的工會, 旅行社已說了不可以改期或改人, 真係唔明白點解唔可以上飛機!


Thanks for 樹熊醫生 comment below. Typing English does not a problem of course. My mum is 50s and she fell down from her bed to floor (around 1 meter) in the mid night on 14th June, and then we go to ER immediately.


Per doctor's comment, her arm is not broken into 2 parts but have some cracks. I didn't see the x-ray myself so I can't tell exactly.


She plans to leave HK on 7th July, which is 3 weeks and 2 days after the accident. She will stay there for 4 days. I will check with the insurance company before as she has not yet bought this.

回答 (3)

2007-06-27 11:46 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I am not 100% sure what 骨折 your 媽媽 have, but as a reasonable guess, she is likely having suffer distal radius fracture (the commonest fracture in Hong Kong
Treatment is usually 打石膏 if the overall alignment is acceptable
For my patient, I will allow them to go after second week of 石膏.

Without special problem or worry, I will allow them 上飛機!

Somehow, the doctor that usually see this kind of patient is too junior to judge.
If you really want to go, go to see a 骨科專科醫生 to tell!
Or, if your mother have bought Travel insurance, just tell check whether you can claim the insurance as your mother is not allowed to go 日本旅行

I can give additional suggestion if you can tell:
1. what fracture she has
2. how long has the 石膏
3. Is she treated by 骨科醫生 or 骨科專科醫生 or A&E 醫生

本文內容純屬個人意見, 不代表醫院管理局或其他機構, 只供參考,無意取代臨床專業醫療諮詢。如對個人或親友健康產生懷疑,宜及早諮詢醫生或其他醫護人員,以免耽誤診治。
(Apology for not able to type Chinese!)

2007-06-27 21:54:20 補充:
Probably she is treated by A&E Doctor, not orthopaedic doctor who should more comfortably and experience enough to judge. In general, simple crack fracture can be treated by plaster and should not affect travel as it is already 3 weeks already! Better to be assess by orthopaedic doctor first!
參考: 本人(醫院管理局工作骨科專科醫生)
2007-06-27 11:27 pm
你媽咪有沒有鑲鑼絲固定骨折位罝?? 如果有, 要有醫生紙証明有金屬係體內, 過金屬探測器時一定响....
另外, 因為骨折剛痊癒, 未隱定, 上機因為氣壓關係, 可能對剛癒合的傷口做成壓力呢.. 並不是打石膏問題...
最好問清楚醫生唔可以搭飛機的原因, 如果是怕骨折地方移位, 可否帶三角崩帶或打番石膏????

2007-06-27 15:29:35 補充:
anyway, 要相信醫生的專業提議...先問下旅行社可否改期???
2007-06-27 10:16 pm
醫生話唔得就唔得,病人一定要聽,因為佢係醫生你唔係,你要信佢專業判斷,唔信佢你點解睇佢? 不要把自己健康作賭注呀!

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