我想買保險...但唔想同agent 買

2007-06-27 9:52 pm
我想買保險, 但我可否直接跟那些公司買而唔透過那些agent 買呢?
因為我唔想俾那些agent 賺佣金...
我最近有就自己想買保險而同某間保險公司既agent deal
但我覺得個agent 唔係咁信得過...有好多野應該要advise 我都冇advise 到...我對佢冇晒信心
我覺得該保險公司個plan 係岩我...想買...但就係唔想同個個agent 買
咁我應該點做? 如果真係可以直接跟公司買...間公司係咪會assign 個agent follow 我個case?

回答 (10)

2007-07-01 9:38 am
2007-07-01 7:34 am
同銀行買啦. agent service好d? 有咩事會幫你? 同你claim盡? 哈!
2007-06-30 12:14 pm
2007-06-29 6:11 am
銀行比d agent更會呃錢........
2007-06-28 10:01 pm
我想買保險, 但我可否直接跟那些公司買而唔透過那些agent 買呢?
--> 係可以的
你想買的保險是那一間保險公司,因為有 d 要透過 Broker / Agent 買,有 d 就客人自已上門買。不過,據我所知,例如 BUPA,透過 Broker 買可以平過直接上去該公司買。
有可能個情況是:例如 $100,Agent / Broker 佣金係 $20;透過 Agent / Broker 買就最多可以 $80 (不過無乜可能要人免費跟單跟成世都唔比錢人);直接同公司買,都要 $100。
如果真係可以直接跟公司買...間公司係咪會assign 個agent follow 我個case?
--> 係,而且你開頭唔知那個人好不好,唯有靠幸運。
如果你要一些人壽、醫療、汽車等保險的資料,我可以比 d 你。因為我代理左 2x 間保險公司的資料。或者去以下的網頁到睇,不同保險的定義、小心保險條款等事。
參考: 財富管理論壇(討論區) http://financial.3forum.hk
2007-06-28 8:10 am
1) even if you deal with the insurance company direct, the price would still be the same. given same price, isn't it better to have an agent that provides service to you!?
2) if you personally don't like the agent, find another agent in the same company and buy. just remember not to let the first agent know about this 'cos otherwise he/she might still get the commission with protection rule (agency rule that varies from company to company)
3) don't know if you agree or not, letting the company assign an agent to you is even more dangerous than picking an agent from the net. it's like a blind date! picking one here, you can still choose from looking at our answers (see if you think he/she makes sense).
Teresa, Manulife
2007-06-28 7:53 am
係呢度答開問題既差不多大間既保險公司既FINANCIAL PLANNAR都有齊.
2007-06-27 10:09 pm
其實大部份保險滙豐及恒生都有得賣, 你可以幫佢地買, 填完FORM就可以, 如果想了解多D, 可以找個CUSTOMER SERVICE 問下
2007-06-27 10:08 pm
2007-06-27 10:03 pm
好似只有保柏呢間保儉公司係無保儉agent 跟你張單.. 其他一定會有.. 就算開頭無但最后個間公司都會將你張單assign 左俾佢地公司的agent 黎sell 你的 (無法啦, 大家都要揾食)

p.s. 我唔係保儉人黎嫁~

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