
2007-06-27 9:51 pm
1. 我會考英文A卷拿D, 如果今年高考英文不合格, 可以報副學士或是hign dip嗎?
2. 我現在讀雅思英語, 但8 月31日才讀完, 9月先考試。但我怕太遲, 找不到副學士或是hign dip, 怎麼辦?

3. 我如果雅思英語考6.5分, 可不可以今年報NON JUPAS呀( 用高考成績)?

回答 (3)

2007-06-28 8:52 am
✔ 最佳答案
1) Yes you can. Some self-financed course offer by some uni accept students who failed in eng. However, you will be notifiy by the uni that u need to take extra courses in eng when u are studying HD or asso.
2. If you take it on Sept, it takes around 13 working days for your IELTS results to be released. Honestly speaking, u now should try to research some asso or HD that accept a fail in UE first. It must be very late if you apply after u results has been released. Since it takes time to process your application.
3)Do you know what means by Non-Jupas? Non-Jupas is for you to enter a DEGREE program not using AL result! For example, those from overseas, they may have GCEAL or IB or SAT. Or those who are asso or HD students who has already finish at least one year of asso or HD Study.
So, even if you got 6.5 in your IELTS, u CANNOT apply non-JUPAS using your AL result!
2007-06-28 6:47 am
我又係syl a 拎d啵~
不過報唔到poly hd ga啵!~
[email protected]
2007-06-28 12:43 am
1. AL英文唔合格都有d 科會收o既, 不過果d科就真係...
2. IELTS拎6.5多數都夠報U, 但好似有d要7, 不過我記得就係得1,2間U係要7。你可以報, 但係你9月先考, 最快都9月中先有result啦, 果時都開緊學, non-jupas報名時間其實而家都過左, 今次英文唔得的話, 等下年 or等highdip /assoc

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