How to write a business plan?

2007-06-27 8:30 pm
Which directions.....
What topics..........
Please list out and give me some examples.......

回答 (2)

2007-06-28 5:20 am
✔ 最佳答案
Business plans are also called strategic plans, investment plans, expansion plans, operational plans, annual plans, internal plans, growth plans, product plans, feasibility plans, and many other names. These are all business plans. You Direction depends on
what kind of plan that matches your specific situation.
Some of these specific case differences lead to different types of plans:

1)The most standard business plan is a start-up plan, which defines the steps for a new business. It covers standard topics including the company, product or service, market, forecasts, strategy, implementation milestones, management team, and financial analysis. The financial analysis includes projected sales, profit and loss, balance sheet, cash flow, and probably a few other tables. The plan starts with an executive summary and ends with appendices showing monthly projections for the first year.

2)Internal plans are not intended for outside investors, banks, or other third parties. They might not include detailed description of company or management team. They may or may not include detailed financial projections that become forecasts and budgets.

3)An operations plan is normally an internal plan. It would normally be more detailed on specific implementation milestones, dates, deadlines, and responsibilities of teams and managers.

4)A strategic plan is usually also an internal plan, but it focuses more on high-level options and setting main priorities than on the detailed dates and specific responsibilities. Like most internal plans, it wouldn’t include descriptions of the company or the management team. It might also leave out some of the detailed financial projections. It might be more bullet points and slides than text.

5)A growth plan or expansion plan or new product plan will sometimes focus on a specific area of business, or a subset of the business. These plans could be internal plans or not, depending on whether or not they are being linked to loan applications or new investment. For example, an expansion plan requiring new investment would include full company descriptions and background on the management team, as much as a start-up plan for investors.

6)A feasibility plan is a very simple start-up plan that includes a summary, mission statement, keys to success, basic market analysis, and preliminary analysis of costs, pricing, and probable expenses. This kind of plan is good for deciding whether or not to proceed with a plan, to tell if there is a business worth pursuing.

There are predictable contents of a standard business plan. For example, a business plan normally starts with an Executive Summary, which should be concise and interesting. People almost always expect to see sections covering the Company, the Market, the Product, the Management Team, Strategy, Implementation and Financial Analysis.

If you have the main components, the order doesn’t matter that much, but here’s the order I suggest.

Executive Summary: -- Write this last. It’s just a page or two of highlights.
Company Description: -- Legal establishment, history, start-up plans, etc.
Product or Service: -- Describe what you’re selling. Focus on customer benefits.
Market Analysis: -- You need to know your market, customer needs, where they are, how to reach them, etc.
Strategy and Implementation: -- Be specific. Include management responsibilities with dates and budgets. Make sure you can track results.
Web Plan Summary: -- For e-commerce, include discussion of website, development costs, operations, sales and marketing strategies.
Management Team:-- Describe the organization and the key management team members.
Financial Analysis: -- Make sure to include at the very least your projected Profit and Loss and Cash Flow tables.
2007-06-28 12:44 am
Market overview
Business Model
Your recommended Action Plan (marketing, operation...)
Impact to P&L
Advantage of implementing of the Plan
Risk & its mitigation

for your reference only

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