English Thank you letter

2007-06-27 7:33 pm
我想寫一封感謝信俾一間巴士公司,個名叫TransLink, 感謝佢幫我搵返個電話同學生證,學生證個名叫GoCard ~ 我o係June 26,07早上差不多8:30o係巴士上唔見既~ 所以寫封信來讚揚這公司~我想多謝佢地幫我搵返~我特別想多謝既有: 一位左耳wearing2個黑色耳環,wearing太陽眼鏡, 個樣似Asian既年輕巴士driver, 一位customer information service既男員工, 一個lost Property既男員工, 另外仲有一個lost Property既員工叫Barbara Szumilak.我會繼續乘搭果問公司,感謝佢地既幫助~ 內容大約係咁上下la~(其實我形容既driver唔洗咁指細既,只係我想俾間公司知我多謝佢姐,不過我又唔識點樣有禮貌d寫信,d 格識我又唔識)

回答 (1)

2007-06-27 7:54 pm
✔ 最佳答案
This is a thank you letter, you should not be bound by formats of any type, just say what you want to say.

To Whom It May Concern

I am writing to express my deepest gratitude to TransLink with regards to helping me retreive lost property on one of your vehicles on June 26, 2007. I would like to thank the driver, the customer informatin service and lost property staff especially for their outstanding quality of service and care for customers. I wish that TransLink will continue to excel in their superior service and look foward to my next TransLink trip.

Your loyal customer

* Don't really need to explain or include too much details, makes it sound ever more so draggy... this should be fine.
參考: Personal experience

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