
2007-06-27 11:27 am
請問香港進出口汽車廢電池得唔得呢? 我想係外國出口再入口大陸, 係用黎循環再造!
要點做?需要d咩文件或証明之類呢? thanks

回答 (2)

2007-06-28 7:46 am
✔ 最佳答案
Presently, customs has stopped import scraps into china. as you know there are thousand of containers stucked in Hong Kong.
If you want to import that wasted batteries, please check your buyers to obtain import quota have or not.
2007-06-27 3:11 pm
應該沒有問題, 但點解唔直接入大陸? 你最好查核大陸是否批准此類物品追口.

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