
2007-06-27 8:44 am
我係綱上在澳洲買狗bb,已比晒錢, 但隻狗bb有問題出唔到境, 澳洲賣家原先應承退錢比我, 但而家反口又唔退, 叫我等下一胎(半年後)又唔包保下一胎實有得生(因我指定要某隻狗媽媽生先要)而家我要sent個英文投訴信email去澳洲某個部門可以監管呢類賣買投訴,我要投訴賣家唔退錢,冇禮貌,係email講粗口, 我咁信佢先會匯錢比佢,佢竟然呃我, 我一定要佢退錢, 請好心人幫幫忙翻譯同埋有咩漏左可以加落去加強我既不滿,請幫忙提點, 小女子十分感邀.........

回答 (3)

2007-06-27 9:45 pm
✔ 最佳答案
養狗場好似叫kernel, 不過我唔知你係唔係所以無用到
將下面 he/she, his/her 二選一
ZZZZZ = 你個名
VVVVV = 你的聯絡資料

Dear Sir/Madam,

I would like to file a complaint about XXXXX, a seller of puppies in Australia.

About YYYY months ago I had purchased a puppy from an seller in Australia through the internet. After I had paid in full, the puppy in question could not be delivered to me due to problems with customs.

The seller had originally promised to give me a full refund, but then changed his/her mind and told me to wait for the next litter which is due in 6 months. However, he/she could not guarantee that my chosen mother of the pup would give birth.

I was informed that your department is in charge of mediating these sales, and I would like to file a formal complaint against this seller. Not only did he/she not give me a refund as originally promised, he/she was extremely rude and swore at me in his/her email. I transferred money beforehand out of trust, but he/she betrayed that trust and scammed me.

I insist on a refund as promised. Please investigate this seller thoroughly and let me know as soon as possible. His/Her information is as follows:

Email: WWWW

Thank you kindly for you help!


Email: VVVVV
參考: 15 years in Canada
2007-07-02 10:50 pm
overall is quite good
2007-06-28 7:03 pm
Buy dogs bb in Australia on the key link of our department, already than shine money, but dog bb problematic to produce well, get border, Australian seller is it have the money refunded than I to agree originally only, but but house and well, retreat, ask me wait for child the next (after the half a year) against mouth And well wrap up and protect the next child to give birth to in fact (because I appoint to want some dog mothers to grow takes first) And house I want sent pieces of English letter of complaint email to go Australia department a certain can supervise kind sell for and buy complaining, I want to complain sellers well to have the money refunded, courteous, that email talks the thick mouth, can have lasted money I first with letter than,unexpectedly oh I, must have the money refunded I, ask kind people is it translate with is it have baa leak left can is it is it is it strengthen me to be discontented to go to fall to add to burying to help, please help to carry and click, the little woman feels and invites very much .........

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