關於Runescape o既Combat lvl.

2007-06-27 6:00 am
1.徐o左Attack,Denfense&Strength之外,仲有mud level計落Combat lvl.?
2.我Combat lvl.得37lvl.,magic,ranged全部得1 lvl.(唔好笑我,其實係因為我不屑用magic同ranged泥斬o野咁解jack),Attack,Denfense&Strength就30 or 31(好平均,因為我升完Attack,升Denfense,升完Denfense,升Strength),我成日斬Black Bear(19lvl.,但係成25滴血,有陣易,有陣難)&Unicorn(15lvl.~廢柴~),大家有D mud斬又升Combat lvl.快,又冇咁易死o架???(我死都唔會入Wilderness,因為好耐之前係o個度被人KOo個,從始成為o左[童年陰影])
p.s.我玩o左成一年先得o個37combat lvl.,但係我有o個friend玩o左一個月就有成20combat lvl.,整到我好自卑......

回答 (10)

2007-07-01 4:18 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. 除 (除=弓木6)左att, str 同def之外,計combat lvl仲有prayer (8 prayer lvl=1 combat lvl),ranged同magic。當然hp (hitpoints)lvl都計啦 (4 hp lvl=1 combat lvl)。

以閣下既情況黎睇係100% melee based既 (即係warrior),ranged同magic除非閣下即刻升到40幾,如果唔係一d都唔會影響閣下既combat lvl。

正如shhhoi所講,有full addy (full mith都得)就可以去打d勁d既野,可以去draynor sewer打zombie (13 lvl既22血,最多打2,24 lvl既30血,最多扣3),如果閣下有足夠既食物就唔係問題,以閣下黎講帶16條trout去,唔駛走都夠升到1-3個combat lvl。閣下都可以去打hill giant (lvl 28,35血,最多打4,但係有big bones,一個可以賣350-400 gp,bury就有15 prayer exp),不過就小心俾人搶怪。

不過如果閣下冇乜 (乜=心弓6)裝,就可以去goblin village打goblin (lvl 5,12血,最多打1),帶幾條trout去打到combat lvl 40都唔係問題 (如果冇d打人既random event)。或者可以去barbarian village打barbarians (lvl 9同lvl 10果d,18血,最多打2,lvl 17果d 24血,最多打3)。

最後,都係建議閣下升番d magic lvl,第時好有用,可以teleport去varrock同falador,唔駛成日走黎走去,或者係扣人地att,str同def lvl。閣下都要升下prayer lvl,升到43就用到全部既protection prayer,開左之後就唔駛驚彈出黎打你果d怪 (random event) 啦!

p.s. 閣下都最好有"一技"旁身,即係wc (30 lvl或以上,cut willow),fishing (40 lvl或以上,釣lobster)或者mining (30 lvl或以上,mine coal)是但一個skill要升高d,咁閣下就可以多d方法搵錢,唔駛怕冇錢啦!

*以上只係小弟既一d經驗同意見,小弟一共有17個acc,其中一個係lvl 37,都親身試過介紹俾閣下打既野。 另外有一個玩左唔夠3個月既acc,因為有60幾fishing既緣故升得好快(易搵錢買裝),做埋dragon slayer,而家combat lvl 53。其實閣下玩左一年先lvl 37唔駛灰心...小弟個細佬初初玩runescape果陣一年先得lvl 20幾,同埋閣下要明白一樣野:愈高lvl係愈難升既,所以一定要有耐性。*

2007-06-30 20:20:43 補充:
小弟都歡迎閣下add我: 1992spock (lvl 89...),shins1992 (lvl 37,可以陪閣下一齊升)

2007-07-07 12:13:22 補充:
To shhhoi:佢話明唔上wildy打,而且佢去打white knight係好徙食物同時間。

2007-07-07 12:15:51 補充:
To: ARICA~ I like STITCH! 佢打man同lvl 2既goblin有排都升唔到lvl,d野太少血 (man 7血,lvl 2 goblin 5血)
參考: 小弟既經驗
2007-07-11 12:54 am
i give you 10k!

2007-07-10 16:59:11 補充:
my name is kittywong24(my main account got hack-.-)(this is my cousin account) 64 level(added me if u need more i will give u more and more!(maxXXk)
2007-07-06 7:47 pm
1. 全部同打鬥有關既 skill 都計入 combat (Attack, Defence, Strength, Magic, Hitpoint, Ranged, Prayer)

2. 第一: 唔駛驚,我 lvl75 ranged 2 -.-"
如果你呢d lvl 想 train 快d 可以嘗試下打 hill giants
首先你同其他人買條 Brass Key 先 (好平ga za~~~ 200ea)
然後去到Cooking Guild 西面,有間屋仔,有道門 (條河隔離),係要用 brass key 開o既,開咗道門 climb down stairs 之後就有都算多 hill giant (hillz) (level-28)
Hillz 屬於 Giant 類,即係 drop bones 既時候會 drop big bones, train prayer 都快d
而且 Hillz 扣極都係最多扣你 4-5, 對於你呢d hitpoint 唔係太低既人黎講係一個非常唔錯既 training spot,如果要去 Edgeville Dungeon (啱啱我講開個 climb down stair 個地方) 打 hillz 既話,去 World-126/127/128 最好,因爲人少d,而且其實呢幾個 server d 人... 有d 發夢甘既 XD
不過記住帶d lobster 去呀!!

P.S. 我呢個 account 玩咗一年 combat 75 -.-"

2007-07-06 11:50:11 補充:
上面位外星人博士講得啱其實如果你想發最好都係有番一技旁身Fishing 係最好既選擇 (我黎講,因爲我係靠 Fishing 發o既)Mining Smithing 就.... 長遠咗d,因爲升 lvl 超難Woodcutting 都得,不過賺錢就一定唔夠 fishing 快
2007-07-06 7:18 am
I am from RuneScape, I played for 5 months, User: noname00001 (Add me if want) combat lvl 67 (I havent played for 3 months so i think it is 2 months correctly)
I will answer your questions one by one.
1.Range and Magic will 計落 combat lvl. but you need a higher lvl.And, hitpoints will 計 too.
2.Barbarian village's middle hole (Security Cavern). There are 4 floors. 1st floor (If you get to end 2000 gold (2k)) Low lvl....3-7. 2nd floor Is about your lvl.Will get 3000(3k) About 10-18....3rd floor. Higher lvl then u...about when lvl 40 training here is good. (5k).
Last floor!!Reward:Boots(Rainbow(fancy) or Fighting).Lvl very high. I train here. About Lvl 80. You can train at lvl 1 or 2.
P.S Your friend is not very strong....When I played 1 month i was lvl 40.
Hope you will play happily-

2007-07-07 18:59:38 補充:
Prayer 計落Combat lvl ga!! Phil~(noname00001)
2007-07-02 5:47 am
我玩左runescape almost 1 year. I am lvl 70.
I have a lot of other accounts, so I sometimes play my other accounts.

Not only str, att and def help you raise a combat Lv. hitpoints, magic, range and prayer also help you.

If you want to train range or magic, go to Al Kidar(I forgot the name), stay up and use range or magic to attack the scorpions Lv.14.

If you want to train prayer, go to Lumbridge and go to the goblin's place Lv.2. You can get a lot of bones there. Bury the bones willhelp you raise prayer Lv.

If you want to raise att, str or def as the same time as prayer, fight goblins and get the bones from them and then bury it.

P.S. being a member will help a lot.
參考: me, runescape.com
2007-07-01 6:50 am
hi, 本人玩左開左ac2年幾,玩左一年左右, 76lv, 54lv, 30lv, 叫sword19942.
1. 其實hitpoint, prayer, ranging, magic都計既 , 但係如果你剩升劍, 佢剩係會計你劍技落combat, prayer, hitpoint, 都會計埋. 但係如果你弓係最高lv, combat會睇弓黎計, 如果魔最高lv, 佢會睇魔黎計
2. 你唔夠打係因為你d strength太低, 你e家升野的比例係1:1:1, 但係strength一定要比attack高多d, 先夠打.你升技的比例should be 1:2:1. 你打個d怪, 升lv升得好慢, 你37lv可以去打barbarian village中間個hole入去個d怪, 個度咩lv怪都有既, 你落左去個hole, 可以行入d, 打d30-45lv 既怪, 不過要bring多d food同wear一套勁裝啦, 如果唔係唔夠打
參考: me
2007-06-30 12:40 am
Runescape name:Shhhoi
以你呢種水平最好係打...lvl36嗰啲white knight,最多扣6,42嘅啲就扣7
mage同ranged都計落combat lvl,因為combat意思係戰鬥,mage同ranged都係戰鬥嘅一種。
我覺得上wildy會train快啲,但係你最好有mage lvl25或以上(用teleport)。Don't have就用skull sceptre:
要攞skull sceptre係好難架,因為你要打好多Minotaur,Fresh crawler,Catablepon,同Ankou

2007-06-29 16:44:17 補充:
c_p_w所講嘅地方係指stronghold of security,問你嘅問題都係關於security,我講嘅Minotaur,Fresh crawler,Catablepon,同Ankou 就喺嗰到,唔同嘅層就會有唔同嘅monsters and rewards。

2007-06-29 16:46:40 補充:
你打white knight嘅話就着addy同用addy,don't have addy就最好剩係打jail guard/guard
2007-06-29 3:56 am
go to west of Varrock {Barbarian Village} inside the hole there have many lv12(max hit 2)
when you are open the door need to anwers Qustion do not afraid it.
Add me to friends swan900908 lv61
參考: me!!
2007-06-28 3:48 am
1.徐o左Attack,Denfense&Strength之外,仲有mage lvl and rage lvl計落Combat lvl.
2. you can kill some around 10-15 lvl moster. is more esey
3.your friend is not good. i play 3 mouth only. my combat is 70.

total lvl is 732.

2007-06-27 19:51:14 補充:
my acc adg135873:(70 lvl)another acc:wilsonhans((26lvl)a mager)
2007-06-28 1:32 am
Hi,I am level 44. User is aricaching1( I have play runescape for 1 year la but half a year I dont play)

1) Um... Range and Magic 計落Combat lv ga.
2)In Lumbridge- Goblins(Lv2), Men(Lv2)
In Desert-Men(Lv9) (Sometimes maybe have 5 men attack you so bring more food)
In Varrock- Kill guards(Lv20,21,22)

Remember to add me!
參考: Myself

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