All students should have lunch at school

2007-06-27 2:02 am
*need the negative and positive side of this topic

*no need to be too long,it is better to list one /two points and explain it in about 20-40 seconds


回答 (2)

2007-06-27 2:51 am
✔ 最佳答案
It is good for students to have lunch at school
1.they can have their lunch on time.
2.if they have lunch at school, they can have their lunch all with their classmates. can save more time todo their Homework or chating with their friends when they have time
4.I can assure that they must have their lunch


It is good for students to have lunch ouside but not eating at school
1.they can not eating out and only stay at school
2.they may not like the food that sell in canteen.
3.there are only a few choise if they eat in school.(if they go out to have lunch,they may have Japanese, Thailand food etc)
4.some of the student that live near school may like to eat at home and do or take something at home (watch TV during eating )
5.They are free to go to anywhere to buy or eat their lunch.
參考: me
2007-06-27 2:17 am
- they would not be hungry
-they don't need to go out and buy lunch in shops which could be unhealthy as well
-everyone would have lunch

-students might not like the lunch at school, they might prefer home food
-usually, lunch at school is not very healthy

hope i can help~
參考: myself

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