
2007-06-26 9:45 pm
- Brand loyalty of a certain amount of customers
- good networks of retail shops
- Not famous brand
- Increasing competitions in local and in chinese market as more new brand emerged
- Stable economic growth in the world espcially the chinese market as people would like to spend more money on clothing and cosmetic
- New marketing strategies and positioning attract more new customers

仲有2句補充: - Sudden rise in rental - Continuous changing of policies in China hinder the development in China



回答 (3)

2007-06-26 11:15 pm
✔ 最佳答案
- Brand loyalty of a certain amount of customers
- good networks of retail shops
- Not famous brand
-------名氣低的品牌 / 缺乏名氣的品牌
- Increasing competitions in local and in chinese market as more new brand emerged
------由於新品牌湧現, 本地和中國內地市場競爭愈趨激烈
- Stable economic growth in the world espcially the chinese market as people would like to spend more money on clothing and cosmetic
-------消費者花在衣物和化粧用品的金錢將越來越多, 將全球經濟穩定增長, 而中國的增長又特別驕人
- New marketing strategies and positioning attract more new customers
-----採用新的市場策略和定位, 吸引更多消費者
- Sudden rise in rental

- Continuous changing of policies in China hinder the development in China
------國家政策經常改變, 阻礙了中國的發展
參考: 不是網譯
2007-06-28 12:14 am
-一定數量的商標信譽顧客-零售店好網絡-不著名品牌-競爭加劇在本機和在中國市場上,因為更新的品牌湧現了-穩定的經濟增長在世界espcially中國市場,因為人們在衣物和化妝用品上希望花更多金錢-新的營銷戰略和安置吸引更新的風俗-突然的上升在租務 -連續改變政策在中國在中國妨害發展
參考: me
2007-06-26 9:58 pm








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