
2007-06-26 8:07 pm

想知中交1800 同 Belle 1880 買得過嗎?

回答 (2)

2007-06-26 8:31 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1800 (現報(12:29PM): 最新價: 13.720, 最高價: 13.960)
相比會好過1880 (現報(12:29PM): 最新價: 8.410, 跌幅: -0.110, 百分比: -1.29%, 最高價: 8.490). 同長遠都係 1800比 較好!
2007-06-26 9:44 pm
I also agree better buy 1800 , for the reason of olympic , there are many new railway will be build in these few years, 1800 should get more construction works on it.

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