見工時, 自我介紹(英文)

2007-06-26 5:24 pm
在下已工作8年, 但interview嘅經驗真係好少, 去到用英文介紹自己就比較不知所措,

由於關乎前途, 請各方高手指教/提供samples, thanks!!!!!

本人過去7年都任文職工作, 將要去interview嘅係一個senior位置

Please help!!!

回答 (2)

2007-06-26 6:47 pm
✔ 最佳答案
This is an interview for internal promotion, this is a little different from the normal interviews. You will not get fired for doing bad, you will just dish the chance for a promotion. So dun get too worried just yet.

You have worked in this company for 7-8 years, you should be fairly comfortable with the company's daily events, you should have heard how your seniors have to deal with their seniors. It is now the time for you to act professionally and show to your management, that you are capable for this promotion.

I will not talk about punctuality or etiquette issues assuming you have an idea of them as you already have a job. Instead I should focus on what is more crucial:

(i) If granted a chance, summarize what you have done for the company over the past.
(ii)Through your speech, display signs of loyalty. Employee retention is a huge frustration for companies nowadays. If you are advancing in the corporate ladder, you must prove to them you have irreplacible human capital skills and unquestionable loyalty.
(iii)Ability to articulate and improvise, especially if they simulate a case for you, think clearly, don't be afraid, anaylze briefly and explain your solution and how the execution of your solution will solve the problem
(iv)Smile and look humble. The last thing an HR manager wants to see is a cocky face with attitude.


Good morning Mr. X, my name is X and I have been working in the Y dept. for X years. I started off working on Z, over the years I have been working with X team/dept and recently i saw an opening(/ was recommended by Mr. M) for this senior position. I am confident that I will be able to manage this position. I have been waiting for this oppurtunity for quite some time and I shall not disappoint the company.

*Edit freely to fit your scenario.

Good Luck and get that raise!
參考: Employment Relations ~ HRM
2007-06-26 5:35 pm
My name is XXX,the reason that i want to be a senior since i am interest in XXX
I an helpful , i will try my best to do this job!!~

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