ok ladies what diet worked or works for you? I need help chosing one..?

2007-06-25 6:55 pm
i need to lose roughly 20 pounds but i love to eat what diet works? im not huge im about 135. But its time to do something because i can see it adding up alot faster now that its been after 2 kids. Let me know what anyone has had success with please??

回答 (9)

2007-06-25 7:09 pm
✔ 最佳答案
A low fat/ low calorie diet works. Eat about 1500-1800 calories a day eating lean meats such as chicken, fish and pork, unlimited vegetables/ salads and whole grains (whole wheat bread, whole wheat pitas) in moderation. Be careful of the dressing that you put on salads. This is where most of the calories and fat comes in. If you are craving something sweet try a piece of fruit or canned fruit. You can also have low cal/ sugar free puddings( they come in all varieties) with a little light whipped topping. Remember to drink at least 8- 8oz glasses of water per day. You can have diet drinks/tea/coffee in moderation.
Exercise (walking is fine) at least 30 minutes per day.
Try this and you will shed the 20 pounds in no time.
2007-06-25 7:00 pm
I don't "diet" I just eat SUPER healthy and live a healthy lifestyle. Any fad diet only works while you're on it. Once you're off the diet, and start your regular routine, the weight is just going to come back. Change your daily eating habits, eat produce, drink water, cut back on sugar and salt, eat lean meats.

Don't do a fad diet, live a healthy lifestyle, for life!
2007-06-26 3:46 pm
I know I'm not a lady but try the magnetic diet also known as the food magnetism diet
2007-06-25 7:16 pm
Are you interested in a health weight cut and getting back a nice fugure?

If you can visit our site, you will find a lot of useful information there. (the site is in Chinese now, but the Engish version will be out in a month).


I myself lost 27 pounds in 3 months and I spent only a little money on it. I am working as a weight-control professional and I am coming over to Singapore for a conference in two weeks. I would like to share my experience with you.

Please, do fill in the form at the website so that we can get to know more about your eating habits, contact phone number, etc. Or if you don't know Chinese, just send me your email address so that I can send you the questionnaire in English instead.

Hope to see you soon!
2007-06-25 7:11 pm
Actually, what has worked for me is "not" dieting. On a diet, I always felt as if I were missing out or punishing myself. It was not a happy time.
What I have done is change my life style. I don't eat fast food...ever! I rarely eat out and prepare all my food myself. I have total control over what goes into my body.
Eat good fats like olive oil, sunflower oil or canola oil. Stay away from trans fats (hydrogenated fats that are solid at room temperatures). Eat plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits. Keep your carbohydrates to a minimum and when you do eat them, make sure they are whole grain. We all need protein every day, preferably at every meal, just not a lot all at once. Stick to chicken and fish as much as possible. Try not to eat lunch meats. They have way too many bad for you additives.
Definitely avoid anything that has monosodium glutamate in it. It can be hidden in such things as "hydrolyzed plant protein". Studies have shown that monosodium glutamate actually creates a desire to eat more after you have just eaten some of it. Google MSG facts and you will be astounded.
Get some exercise every day. Remember that vacuuming your house and caring for your kids is also exercise and burns calories. But if you are constantly gaining a little more weight all of the time, then you are taking in more calories than you are burning. Take a walk one day. On another, get some light weights (about 5 pounds each) and just start moving. Maybe dance with them to some really up-beat music. Keep it fun so that you will actually do it.
Make a commitment to losing weight and keeping fit and you will.
2007-06-25 7:07 pm
My weight loss success has been walking 2 miles a day(Im up to now), and drinking lots of water, and cutting back on fats in my diet..I have lost 10 pounds in a month and half..Am very happy with this way...Im not starving myself..Go with what works for you..Good Luck...I have a friend that has been dieting for longer than me, but she does not get to walk...Walking is good for you if you can do it, or even jogging, which I cant. and I have lost almost as much weight as she has, and shes starving herself...
2007-06-25 7:00 pm
I've had success with quite a few. From losing, regaining and having kids. Here's what worked for me:
-Weight Watchers (love it because there are no forbiddens)
-South Beach Diet
-Herbalife (not really recommend, shakes get old can be pricey)
-Old fashioned portion control and exercise like a crazy woman (possibly not the most pleasant but it was effective at the time!).
Hope this helps you some.
2007-06-25 7:00 pm
I don't recommend dieting. I recommend permanently changing your lifestyle. Cut back on cooked food, and eat more raw food. Raw food can NEVER make you fatter, but processed foods can. You will loose the pounds, and if you stick to a healthier lifestyle, the pounds will stay off. As far as exercise goes, playing with your kids, and doing plenty of walking will help.
2007-06-25 6:59 pm
I started on Body for Life and became completely hooked. It changed my life. (But if you don't enjoy lifting weights, it's definately not for you.)

Go to www.bodyforlife.com to see the results that ANYONE can achieve if they give the program a 90-day chance.

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