How much weight do you think you can lose doing this?

2007-06-25 6:43 pm
If i cut back on my eating, it one to two meals a day, eat healthy snacks if I get hungry... I drink Diet Coke, tea, and water. And i exercise for about 20-30 minutes a day jumping on a mini trampoline, doing different types of exercises on it to sweat and burn more.

回答 (8)

2007-06-25 6:53 pm
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Well sounds like you are not going to be eating enough. You need 3 large meals a day (or good size ones) and then 2 or 3 snacks that are healthy a day. If you really want to loose weight then I would for sure cut out the Diet Coke and limit the tea and just step it up with the water. Good luck!
2007-06-26 1:58 am
One to two meals a day will slow your metabolism right down, meaning it is harder to lose weight and easier to gain it. Instead eat 3-5 small, healthy meals a day, interspersed with small healthy snacks like fruit, nuts or natural yoghurt. Eat little and often - this means your metabolism stays in 'digestion mode' for longer, meaning you absorb the vitamins and nutricious goodness from your food faster and more efficiently, and burn the excess faster.
It's good that you exercise every day, and trampolines are great to tone up too. If you can, try to get in an hour of cardio (raising your heart rate and getting sweaty) at least three times a week in addition to your daily 30 mins.
Diet Coke, in moderation, is fine, but too much will make you bloated. Try drinking just water for a day and see how you feel. You should be drinking 8 medium size glasses of water every day. Water is excellent at keeping you hydrated, and what's more has 0 calories. If you drink enough water, this will also help your metabolism, not to mention make your skin look fantastic. :)
Good luck! By being sensible you can lose up to 1lb in a week (anymore than 1lb is unsafe and will result in stretchmarks), and that's without ever once feeling starved.
2007-06-26 2:45 am
If you want some extra support or help staying motivated and on track, check out my latest question. You may want to join us! :)
2007-06-26 2:03 am
Trust me. You can't just lose weight by doing exercies. There have been proofs on this already.

Also, one really has to look into his fat proportion in his body before one is said to healthy. Losing some weight doesn't mean losing some "fat".

Are you interested in a health weight cut and getting back a nice fugure?

If you can visit our site, you will find a lot of useful information there. (the site is in Chinese now, but the Engish version will be out in a month).

I myself lost 27 pounds in 3 months and I spent only a little money on it. I am working as a weight-control professional and I am coming over to Singapore in two weeks. I would like to share my experience with you.

Please, do fill in the form at the website so that we can get to know more about your eating habits, contact phone number, etc. Or if you don't know Chinese, just send me your email address so that I can send you the questionaire in English instead.

See you soon!
2007-06-26 2:02 am
You can lose as much weight as you have the determination for. But this sounds like an extremely unhealthy way to do it. Your number of meals is not the key, total daily caloric intake is. Additionally making sure you eat the rights foods on a hypercaloric diet is ESSENTIAL. You will need lots of fresh fruits and vegetables. Lower your carb intake and eat plenty of lean protein. Additionally, if you want to see some REAL results, try exercising for 10 hours/week. If that seems like a lot, then you might want to calculate how many hours a week you spend watching tv or realign your priorities.
2007-06-26 1:54 am
I wouldn't eat one or two meals a day. you need to be eating like 5 small meals a day. (like a good breakfast, a snack, lunch, then a snack and dinner) Don't eat dinner too late at night. Don't deny yourself food.
And do more then just jumping on a trampoline. You need to change your workout to get better results.
Hope it helps
2007-06-26 1:48 am
If you keep at it probably a stone in about two months
2007-06-26 1:47 am
You will lose a little bit of weight, but don't close off your food supply completely, your motabolism will increase and you will gain weight.

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