
2007-06-26 6:05 am
招股價 : 6.48~8.68元, 每手500股, 入場費4383.79

回答 (2)

2007-06-26 1:56 pm
✔ 最佳答案
要到派表那天, 才會在港交所網站公佈, 現在有的消息都是市傳,

好嘢就自然價錢貴, (就算你不認為它是, 至少佢自己公司認為是.)

如果超額認購, 不可以做到一人一手, 股份會按比例分派和抽籤, 認購100萬通常一定分到一手, 所以買多啲, 分到的機會大啲.

但通常以往的新股分派, 一手派一手的中籤率假設有30%, 認二手派一手的中籤率反而得25%, 即是認二手的人較多, 派到的機會反而少,

所以現在出現很多一手黨就是這個原因, 反正好像抽獎一樣, 如果不是投資過百萬索性搏彩數.
參考: www.hkex.com.hk
2007-06-26 6:35 am
there's still no announcement on where can we take the ipo form. but u can check it here http://main.ednews.hk/listedco/listconews/search/search_active_main_c.asp starting from 28/6/07 (cause it will start ipo in 29/6/07).

there's no exact reason on y the company sets its price that "high". actually, it's all at the discretion of the company's managment. from my point of view, it is not really "high" as there are many companies which set their stock price even higher than that level.
one very valuable point to remind u is that the higher the stock price, the more that u can earn from the same % rise in stock price while comparing to those with lower stock price. therefore, i like to apply to those ipo with higher stock price.. ^^

to be honest, if u really wanna get more than 1 board lot, say 2 board lot, then u will need to AT LEAST apply for HK$100,000 (an approximate no, need to depends on the popularity of that particular ipo). of course, applying that much can ensure u to get at least 1 board lot, but the fact is it won't guarantee u get even only 1 more.. so if u are really confident that u will get >1, then u can apply margin thorugh banks or securities firms. e.g. in HSBC, apply HK$100,000 of new ipo have an annual interest 5.75%.

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