F4 amaths

2007-06-26 4:07 am
Find the general solution of

(cosx)^2 = 1

in radiun measure.

the answer is x = n(pi)


oic! thx for Andy

回答 (2)

2007-06-26 4:27 am
✔ 最佳答案
cos² x = 1
cos x = ± 1
x = 2nπ or 2nπ ± π = mπ, m is an integer.

Do you know why? This is because 2n represents even integers, 2n ± 1 represents odd integers, they exhaust all the integers.
2007-06-26 4:35 am
cosx=1 or cosx=-1
x=360n or x=360n±180 (where n is an integer)
參考: my amath knowledge

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