
2007-06-26 3:28 am


回答 (2)

2007-06-26 3:57 am
✔ 最佳答案
You no need to worry ga........
As my experience,when you participate 義工既訓練,u can learn a lot of skill to do a volunteer.It's easy for you to handle the lessons because it's just like a game session.According to your course,you can 為社區服務之餘,又可以加強自己的信心及認識其他不同的義工朋友
There are more advantages than disavantages in doing volunteer.

First,you can know more about the society when you are visiting the elderly people.

Second,you can know more friends during your volunteer work.Every time you do the volunteer,you can know more friends.it's very interesting.

Third,although you won't get any money,your instructors will count your service hours.It is very important ga......At the end of each year,you get an award when your service hours >25/50 hours a year(According to your youth centre ).Nowadays the serivce hours are very important for you to find a job or go to a university.

Forth,it's about friendship.According to my paragraph,it's easy for you to know more friends if you are nice to them during the volunteer work.

In conclusion,it's a good oppunity for you to take the volunteer courses and the volunteer work afterwards.
2007-06-26 6:20 am
義工訓練分好多類型, 多數都係去聽下一D簡介,
無論照顧老人/兒童既, 抑或補習咩都好啦,
主要學下D技巧, 等你做果時清楚點樣跟程序做,
至於有冇朋友陪呢, 其實冇咩大問題咖,
就算你冇同FD一齊做, 你都會好快同D人熟,
因為多數都做憤左義工, 好NICE好主動,
再講都有D人係自己一個去既, 未必個個都有人陪咖,
做下做下就會識咖啦, 唔洗太擔心會有孤單既感覺啦
參考: 純屬個人意見

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