Vannessa Anne Hudgens

2007-06-26 3:26 am

回答 (6)

2007-07-01 3:19 am
✔ 最佳答案
i am not really like her
Vanessa Hudgens just seems to Conceded for a Disney channel Star.
shes trying to be something shes not
Here's a quote Vanessa Said to J-14 When she was asked..................

J-14- Do you consider yourself a rolemodle for younger girls?

Vanessa-" Yes! Deffinitly. I get mail from girls telling me they want to be just like me when they get older. Its so stupid. Most girls my age are kinda jelous of me. I guess all they see is a Skinny body and a pretty face. I cant help it that im beautiful!"

Go to the J-14 website ~
But she still have a nice voice~
Well i am not really like Vanessa , Ashley Tisdale is much better than her. even her voice is better the Vanessa too!
參考: me+ IMDB+J-14
2007-07-04 1:59 am
I Love Her...
2007-07-03 12:44 am
佢首say ok同埋come back to me超好聽
同埋佢係high school musical果啲歌真係好好聽
參考: me
2007-07-02 9:17 pm
I LOVE VANESSA HUDGENS, she is a great person, she is nice, friendly, kind, love animals, ve a warm heart, and she is SUPER REAL, everyone who gets to know her said so, even people who interviewed her. N of course not! she is not "姣架"... She is a nice girl~
Yes, she sings So amazing!
2007-06-27 9:00 pm

2007-06-27 13:03:01 補充:
我最中意聽就係HSM入面佢獨唱既"When There Was Me And You"...."Say OK"、"Let's Dance"同埋"Come Back To Me"都好好聽嫁....當然就係唔少得就係佢同Zac唱果兩隻合唱歌"Breaking Free"同埋"Start Of Something New"
2007-06-26 4:19 am
佢5係姣ge...佢唱歌有d人話5好聽..但如果你睇佢係hsm contert 的演出..佢係冇走過音..
參考: vanessa fd

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