電腦突然彈出東西 有咩解決方法? 超急 ~~唔該~

2007-06-26 2:39 am
只要一開電腦就會自然彈出一個東西叫Windows-沒有磁片寫住Exception Processing Message c0000013 Parameters 764ebf9c 4 764ebf9c 4 764ebf9c 4 然後下面就係取消 重試 繼續 3個button但我按3個button都冇用有咩解決辦法??唔該哂~

回答 (2)

2007-12-14 11:26 pm
I also got the same message windows-沒有磁片(Exception Processing Message c0000013 Parameters 764ebf9c 4 764ebf9c)

Coincidentally, I found that the same message showed when I clicked Quicktime. Then I uninstalled Quicktime and the message stopped showing again.
2007-06-26 3:04 am


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