
2007-06-26 1:39 am
Hello Yoki﹐我在$5.40買入#939建行﹐請問短線會上嗎$6.00?若不是否应沽出?我不想長線持有﹐謝謝你的解答﹗

回答 (2)

2007-06-26 7:09 am
✔ 最佳答案
I am not in Hong Kong, so I can only reply you in English.
In short term, I believe The China Construction Bank (939) has reached its reasonable price having considered its PE & PB!
However, due to the effect of QDII & the bank has planned to be listed in A share market, it has a high possibility to rise a little bit more!
If you do not want to hold it for long term, you should catch this opportunity to sell it.
In long term, it will keep rising!
Yoki Wong

2007-06-26 2:42 am
雖然我唔係yoki sir, 但個人認為短線應該上不到 $6.00, 如果短期可以, 一是d 人炒股炒到傻曬, 佢禁大份, 好難短時期推得高禁多 !
參考: 自己

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