押韻的的英文字10 FUN

2007-06-26 1:00 am


回答 (2)

2007-06-26 1:14 am
✔ 最佳答案
You should also have provided a theme... if you just want words that rhyme with yours... the list will be so long....

thing(s) - ing = fling, sing, king, ring, ping, "most verbs +ing" ...

night - ight = knight, fight, delight, kite, white, tight, might, bright ...

noon - oon = moon, soon, baboon, balloon, toon, spoon ...

sky & by - "i" = fly, high, pie, why, sigh, rye, cry ...

coat & throat - oat = oat, goat, boat, moat, tote ...

bead(s) - ead = seed, feed, weed, reed, deed, plead, lead, need ...

gold & cold - old = old, mold, bold, told, sold, bowled, fold ...

Really had fun~ hope this can help you out. Try to say it out loud when you say the words, especially the last sound, then you will be able to find alot of rhyming words!
Good Luck
參考: University of Toronto Graduate - Linguistics 202
2007-06-26 1:26 am
things : spring , sing , morning

night : fight , bright , light , might , right , sight , tight

noon : balloon , moon , kowloon , spoon

sky : fly , lie

by : buy , bye , cry ,fry

coat : goat , boat

breads : red ,dead,lead,

throat : goat , boat , coat

gold : cold , hold ,load , sold , told ,old

cold : hold ,load , sold , told ,old , gold
參考: me

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