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根據 Cambridge Dictionary ge definition,
Across : from one side to the other of something with clear limits, such as an area of land, a road or river
1) She walked across the field/road.
2) They're building a new bridge across the river.
3) We walked across the street.
4) We got into the boat and rowed across.
Over : across from one side to the other, especially by going up and then down
1) She jumped over the gate.
2) The road goes over the mountains, not through a tunnel.
3) She is always chatting with her neighbour over the garden wall.
4) From the top of the tower you could see for miles over the city.
5) Tanks travel over the most difficult ground.
Across 同over 都差唔多,
Across 通常係地面或者水面ge空間,
但係 Over 就會係係空中ge野。
Across: She walked across the field/road.
Over: A plane flew over the house.
當然啦,如果over唔係解'越過' ge時候,
分清楚Across 同Over ge 用法。