Masterpieces 係一本什麼類形的琴書?

2007-06-25 8:33 pm
Masterpieces 係一本什麼類形的琴書?



回答 (3)

2007-06-26 10:34 am
Masterpieces 係一本world international piano book there's a lot of very wonderful piece inside that is extremely hard to play, usually masster piece means all the song inside the piano book is the best of the the collection, so all the song inside wont be simplifed , eg for chopin Fantasie-Impromptu Chopin Etude 0p 25 valse concentro is very hard, the more chords heavy articulation is more harder, above grade 5 above is unable to practice it, only those really talent- gifted kids can handle them in 5 yrs only they practice really hard , also recital piano performance experience is very important , if u can play very well by urself , but u are nervous to play for the public , it really take times to train the kids to play in front of the public recital, so that's the reason piano teacher got to set up private piano recital, like a party at piano teacher's house or to book a place to sit more plp to watch the kids performance , my ex piano teacher dont got the time room engery to had a piano recital at home, it;s a lot or works to prepare b4 it get started, so her way to reward the student is when ever the music student play well, she will give extra time for student who cant afford to play more $$$$ use all what she can save up to buy a great gift for piano student from her piano studio , every student is very happy at chirstmas time becoz they got their favorite gift the piano teacher is happy and willing to bring happiness to her student too so every body got a great time to had lesson with her, well actually every teacher is diffrent some can afford to rent a concert place for her student to play some is piano recital christmas party at her house, just depands on what really the teacher can afford to do
參考: self experience from the net what i find
2007-06-26 6:44 am
係一本集合左好多著名既名曲既書. 但大部份樂曲程度唔只3級喎. 應該5級以上會好d.
2007-06-25 8:41 pm
顧名思義, Masterpieces就係一本有齊咁多名曲家作品的琴書, 裹面有不下百幾首的樂曲, 通常三級以上就可以彈ga la~(我自己就係三級時彈~)
參考: 自己

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