
2007-06-25 9:09 am
有間公司, 係我公司嘅customer, 亦係我公司嘅supplier, 如用應付帳同應收帳對沖條數, 應如何入帳?
對沖條數後, 我公司仲有應付款, 應如何入帳?

回答 (4)

2007-06-25 9:14 am
✔ 最佳答案
Dr Suspense
Cr Account Receiviable

Dr Account Payable
Cr Suspense

只要用suspense account 暫時入帳就可以
2007-07-02 2:08 am
For any netting off accounting treatment, first of all you have to refer to the sales/purchase agreement, to ensure the netting-off treatment is allowed and agreed by both parties. If you make sure you can net off the AR and AP, then the following entries should be:

Dr Accounts Receivable - A customer
Cr Sales
Dr Purchase
Cr Accounts Payable - A customer

Remember, both sales and purchase you have to record no matter you net off AR/AP or not. If not, the sales and purchase will be understatement.

Dr Accounts Payable - A customer
Cr Accounts Receivable - A customer

The remaining balance in AP accounts represented the amount your company has to pay.
2007-06-25 10:29 pm
creditor control a/c
DR side 入transfers/ contra :SL

debtor control a/c
cr side 入 transfers/ contra :PL

transfers/contra 係對銷GE意思
PL係purchases ledger 即creditor control a/c
SL係sales ledger 即debtor control a/c

參考: ME
2007-06-25 9:49 am
1. 你必須要做一份Statement說明你要對沖那張Invoice的詳細資料(當中是包括應付Invoice及應收Invoice),這份Statement是作為你做對沖憑証的Supporting。

2. Dr: A/C Payable-公司名稱:XXX , Cr: A/C Receivalbe-公司名稱:XXX

3. 由於A/C Payable-公司名稱:XXX 的total amount > A/C Receivalbe-公司名稱:XXX 的total amount ,所以你做完對沖調整後,在 A/C Payable-公司名稱:XXX 仍有Balance,你唯有做一張 Debit Note 去沖數。至於這張憑証如何入帳,Dr: A/C Payable-公司名稱:XXX ﹐Cr:真是要知道你這筆費用是如何處才知道如何入帳,如果是退貨的(Cr: Stock/Purchasing A/C)。

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