Pokemon Crater

2007-06-25 8:24 am
plz tell me Pokemon Crater have how many spile four,is 8 or 12??

and tell me what attack(i mean water,fire or more)can hit other super or ultra affact or no affact.

how can i up lv fastly(pokemon)??

plz help me and ansker the question.(if you can type chinese,plz use chinese to ansker)

if i have a pokemon 100lv,can i up lv to 101 or up?? and ansker plz use 1.**************and2.****************3.****************4.**********

回答 (2)

2007-06-29 6:08 am
✔ 最佳答案
Sorry! I can't use chinese to answer!

1. In Pokemon Crater, i think you mean Elite Four (not spile four), there are 3 groups of Elite Four and 12 people that you need to fight.

2. If you want to hit super or ultra affact, there is not reallly an exact attack to do that. The super or ultra affact depends on if the pokemon is very affective to the other pokemon.

3. If you want to up your pokemon's lvl faster, you must fight alot and get experience points. This is the only way.

4. If you have a pokemon of 100 lvl, the pokemon can't up lvl anymore to 101. The highest lvl is only 100.

If you don't understand my english, please check the dictionary, i can't think of any other way to make you understand. Sorry again!
2007-06-26 5:15 am
a you 中文語句!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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